
Tang Hui: Fang and Bone

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

唐晖 Tang Hui

策展人 Curator:

苗炜 Miao Wei

地点 Venue:

新氧艺 O2art(北京798)

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

⇨艺术家自述 Statement

前言 Foreword:


我总天真的以为,画家的工作方法和作家是相反的,画家有自己的经历,有自己的观察,他看到人们忙于对自身的设计、改造、美化和建构,持有、培养并扩张内 心的期望,沉迷于各种有效性幻觉,看到月光照亮一切骨头,看到萎缩的牙床上又长出獠牙,画家把故事画成一张张变形的肖像,而后退到一边,不发一言。


One day, on the bustling Wangfujing Street, Yu Hua's gaze was arrested by a haunting vision, a solitary figure, tears streaming unabashed down his face, oblivious to the surrounding cacophony. Yu had a burning question: how and why did this person experience such misery? This poignant inquiry became the muse for his seminal novel Chronicle of a Blood Merchant, wherein the crying face found a connection to blood in the human body. 

I often fell gullible to the idea that the painter's trade stands in antithesis to the writer's, with the brushwork springing from the artist's own experiences and observations. Being omniscient, he saw humanity's perpetual self-design, reformation, beautification and construction; possession, nurturing, and expansion of inner expectations; indulgence in efficient hallucinations; vision of moons illuminating upon all skeletal forms and fangs emerging from desiccated gums. The painter twisted stories into metamorphosis of portraits, then he takes a back step in utter silence.

——Miao Wei