
Huang Rui: Red—The Lack of Coagulated Blood

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

黄锐 Huang Rui

地点 Venue:

今格空间 Ginkgo Space(上海)

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

⇨新闻稿 Press Release

展览介绍 Introduction:




“中国第二次更新城市的改造运动发生在上个世纪八十年代,那时我创作了“四合院”系列,后面还有“空间结构”系列,以及移居日本后展开的“空间”系列。这些工作均是自然展开的研究与推进,如果没有《道德经》和《易经》作为精神依靠,我不会获得转换与坚持的两面手法,自然也不会进入 “缺失”系列的新挑战。”

艺术家通过绘画经验的积累,数学的推演,及易经的反证。将存在与虚无、生与死的本质‘阴阳’引入作品之中,试图让它成为不为言表胜似言表的艺术形态。他相信空间里的存在物及历史物质的结晶,“血凝”即是一种切实可触摸到的物质。从早期作品到新作,黄锐不断地思考,修改和调整展览方案,以便释放主题。本次展览视觉含义的能量将逾越现下公共认知的障碍,即文明的创造者即使不在当代现场,他 ( 她 ) 们才是人类共同体和客观世界的创造者。

Ginkgo Space is delighted to announce that we will present a solo exhibition by Huang Rui titled "Red—The Lack of Coagulated Blood" in Shanghai. This exhibition marks the first collaboration between the artist and Ginkgo Space. 

The exhibition will showcase Huang Rui's rich and in-depth research and creation of art historical significance on the special attribute of “Red” over the past five decades, from the late 1970s to the present. Nearly twenty works spanning the different historical stages of Huang Rui from the “Stars” Period, the period of travelling to Japan, and the 798 Period; presenting his rich artistic practice full of historical value from the early abstraction, the “Si He Yuan”Series, the “Bagua” Series, the “Spatial Structure” Series, the “Space” Series, to the recent “Deficiency”Series.

"Red" has always been an important element in Huang Rui's works. Over time, what has drawn the artist towards an extreme are the reds of ancient Beijing, the faded reds of hometown, and the reds in the poetry of Du Fu. Tracing back to the survival of primitive humans bound by coagulated blood, the exhibitino is therefore named as: Red - The Deficiency of Coagulated Blood. Blood red represents output and strength, accompanied by cheers and praise, while the coagulated blood of stopping bleeding is subdued and tragic. Compared to swords and flames, they are more like shields or city walls. 

"The second renovation movement of the updating city took place in the 1980s, when I created the ‘Si He Yuan’ series, followed by the ‘Spatial Structure’ series, and the ‘Space’ series after moving to Japan. All of these works are naturally unfolding research and progression. Without having read the ‘Tao Te Ching’ and experimenting with the creation of the ‘I Ching’, I wouldn't have obtained the dual techniques of transformation and perseverance, nor would I have entered the new challenges of the ‘Deficiency’ series." 

From early to new works, Huang Rui continuously think, modify, and adjust the works and display plans to unleash the theme. The visual meaning of this exhibition will transcend the barriers of current public awareness, that the creators of civilization are the creators of the human community and the objective world, even if they are not present in the contemporary scene.