
Yin Ruisong: Let You Look Good

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

殷瑞松 Yin Ruisong

策展人 Curator:

大宁 Daning

地点 Venue:


⇨360°观展 360° View

序言 Foreword:

加缪说,“荒诞是我们与世界沟通的唯一方式”。托马斯·内格尔认为荒诞并不代表苦恼和挑战,它是有关我们的最具人性的事情之一,表现了我们最高级、最有趣的特征,我们应该用嘲讽的方式去对待荒诞生活。 殷瑞松的画面是荒诞的,无论是拥抱的眼泪,还是被“杀死”的“蕉绿”,都可以让我们在关系和情绪中获得一个重新“看”的视角。而《要你好看》更像是殷瑞松为我们现代人配出的一纸甜蜜药方,荒诞的画面就是其中的药材。漫游其中,药效将会从最无厘头的地方开始作用,伴随各种奇妙的梗,准确又有力地渗透到我们内心深处真实的精神处境与困境,最后在我们的大笑中结束这一疗程。 整个展里的30幅作品贯穿艺术家2021-2022年的创作。要你透过艺术家的新奇诠释,看欢笑、看悲伤、看幽默、看思考,「要你好看」要你好看! 

Camus said, "The absurd is the only way we communicate with the world". Thomas Nagel believes that the absurd does not represent distress and challenge, it is one of the most human things about us, showing our most advanced and interesting characteristics, and we should treat absurd life in a mocking way. The images of Yin Ruisong are absurd. Whether it is the tears of hugging or the "killed" "banana green", they can give us a new perspective of "seeing" in relationships and emotions. And "I want you to look good" is more like a sweet prescription formulated by Yin Ruisong for us modern people, and the absurd picture is the medicine in it. Roaming in it, the medicine effect will start from the most nonsensical place, accompanied by all kinds of wonderful stalks, accurately and powerfully penetrate into the real spiritual situation and dilemma deep in our hearts, and finally end the course of treatment with our laughter . The 30 works in the entire exhibition run through the artist's creation in 2021-2022. I want you to see laughter, sadness, humor, and thinking through the novel interpretation of the artist, 「Let You Look Good" let you look good!