
Xu Lei: Romance of Love Film Awards

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

徐磊 Xu Lei

出品方 Producer:

青石幻城 Bluestone Fantasy City

地点 Venue:


⇨360°观展 360° View

序言 Foreword:

青石幻城携手新锐艺术家 Pencil Bryan联合推出Pandudu & Pencoco系列数字藏品,独家首发。该系列作品以熊猫造型为出发点,通过心光与日月眼神的图形组合,来体现追求自然与和平、充满爱与希望的能量,造型充满活力且有可爱的时尚气息。

Bluestone Fantasy City and the emerging artist Pencil Bryan jointly launched the Pandudu & Pencoco series of digital collections, which are exclusively released for the first time. This series of works takes the shape of a panda as the starting point. Through the graphic combination of heart light and sun and moon eyes, it reflects the energy of pursuing nature and peace, full of love and hope. The shape is full of vitality and has a lovely fashion atmosphere.