
Wu Hua Bu Shuo

展期 Period:


策展人 Curator:

沈洁 Shelly Shen

主办方 Organizer:

橘子树 Orange Tree

地点 Venue:


⇨360°观展 360° View

序言 Foreword:

毕加索曾说:“每次见到小孩子在街上,在沥青路面或者墙上乱涂乱画,都会停下脚步……他们笔下的东西往往令人感到意外,总可以让我学到一些东西。”艺术是本能表达,是具有创造性的。孩子们的画,是画出所有的内容,不是画像所有的内容。每一幅作品都源于孩子的灵感,都是孩子们个性的展现,画的自由,独一无二就是成功。 给孩子们做一个专属的线上十年画展,风物长宜放眼量,孩子的成长如同禾苗破土,无论环境顺逆,相信橘子树的孩子们都能以最好的姿态迎接生命中的挑战。

Picasso once said: "Every time I see children scribbling on the asphalt or on the wall, I stop. The things they write are often surprising, and I can always learn something. .” Art is instinctive expression and creative. Children's drawing is to draw all the contents, not to draw all the contents. Each work is inspired by the children, and it is the display of the children's personality. The freedom of painting, uniqueness is success. Make an exclusive online ten-year painting exhibition for the children. It is advisable to look at the long-term scenery. The growth of children is like a seedling breaking through the ground. No matter whether the environment is good or bad, I believe that the children of Orange Tree can meet the challenges in life with the best attitude.