
Shua Re Shi Zhu: What About My Animals

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

耍惹石主 Shua Re Shi Zhu

策展人 Curator:

董友希 Dong Youxi

主办方 Organizer


地点 Venue:


⇨360°观展 360° View

序言 Foreword:

初识石主的画, 一股许久都未曾感受到的原始生命的动能击打着灵魂和身体,浑厚却又清澈着从丝丝笔触中透进肌肤...石主笔下的动物,无论是笔触或者色彩仿佛都带着呼吸,拂动我的脉搏,鼓动着我的心房。 在大家都在追逐科技、观点、主义、电子化的今天,石主的动物们仿佛在呼唤着本我的回归,诉说着我的自然属性... 当我了解到石主的彝族背景和生长环境, 有了些许释然,我觉得石主的画里拥有的就是我们现代人缺乏的一对自然的感受和敬畏。我们沉溺于人类营造的钢筋混泥土丛林中,被消费主义被电子屏幕所控制,渐渐丧失着人类的自然属性,失去了感知与自我感知的能力。 石主的灵性不是我们这些水泥地上长大的孩子能比的,这点我很清楚,也很惭愧。 我能做的不多,只能将这些印在我心间的感动和思考与大家分享,也希望来自石主的动物们,能够走过你的心间,留下些许痕迹。——Gaby

When first saw the paintings in this collection Iwas immediately drawn to the size and scale of the artist's work Ihave alwas loved works created on a large scaleit feels like the artist is inviting the viewers in to be a part of the work themselves,embraced in the world ofthe painting.Shi Zhu transports the viewer to a mountainous area where the animals he paints can be foundThe paintings capture movement through colour and composition, keeping the viewer engaged in watching the animals in their given spaces.Even with paintings of such grand proportions it seems that the viewer is watching the fgures in secret,as if we are hiding as we watch their engaging movements.Working with oil paints suggests a real confidenceand shows great skill employed to create this collection.Viewers who are invited into Shi Zhu’s dreamy art works will enjoy entering this world,which is full of colour and movement.John Dewey said art is a living creaturereminding us that everyone sees art in their own way,Shi Zhu’s work is both a living creature and alive. ——Kirsty