
XY: Welcome to the Future

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

聂晓宇 XY

策展人 Curator:

大宁 Daning

地点 Venue:


⇨360°观展 360° View

前言 Foreword:

一个女人正在表演DJ,随着摄像机缓慢移动,她的脑壳在镜头里逐渐消失,里面不是大脑,取而代之的是一颗跳动的机械心脏。一根电缆直接插进女人的脑后,驱动着机械心脏,一边擦出火花一边响起音乐。远处一台公寓大小的电梯正沿着一座高楼的侧面向天空爬去,硕大的霓虹灯群正在一闪一闪… ... 潮流艺术家XY正在用自己奇妙荒诞的艺术语言为我们描绘一个亦幻亦真的赛博朋克世界,身处其中不难发现奇妙荒诞的画风中不乏艺术家对人类思想、科技、战争等话题的思考。在科技颠覆、数据霸权、政治游戏无一不在挑战人类生存的当下,似乎只有拥抱这奇妙荒诞的黑色幽默才能在了解真相的绝望后还能看到希望。 ARTDISK致力提升艺术展VR数字体验。2022携手潮流艺术家XY为大家呈现《欢迎来到未来》赛博朋克插画VR展,可通过线上体验精彩画展,愿大家在疫情的逆境中重拾希望。

A woman is performing a DJ, and as the camera moves slowly, her skull gradually disappears in the shot, and instead of a brain, a beating mechanical heart replaces it. A cable was inserted directly into the back of the woman's head, driving the mechanical heart, sparking sparks and playing music. In the distance, an elevator the size of an apartment is climbing towards the sky along the side of a high-rise building, and a huge group of neon lights is flashing... Trend artist XY is using his wonderful and absurd artistic language to describe a fantasy world for us. It is also true that in the cyberpunk world, it is not difficult to find that in the wonderful and absurd style of painting, there are many artists' thinking on topics such as human thought, technology, and war. At a time when technological subversion, data hegemony, and political games are all challenging human survival, it seems that only by embracing this wonderful and absurd black humor can we still see hope after knowing the despair of the truth. ARTDISK is committed to improving the VR digital experience of art exhibitions. In 2022, together with the trend artist XY, we will present "Welcome to the Future" cyberpunk illustration VR exhibition. You can experience the wonderful art exhibition online. I hope you can regain hope in the adversity of the epidemic.