藝術門画廊 Pearl Lam Galleries

由林明珠女士创立的藝術門画廊,如今已成为推动亚洲当代艺术发展的重要力量之一。 创立于 2005 年,藝術門在促进东西方国际对话以及跨文化交流上一直扮演着关键的角色。

通过对年度展览计划认真规划,藝術門为观众呈现美术馆级别的高质量展览,重新审视并挑战亚洲文化实践的看法。 通过中国和海外艺术家的强力组合,画廊致力于展览策划并注重市场培育。

藝術門画廊在香港的旗舰空间位于历史建筑毕打行,上海的空间也选址在外滩的一座历史建筑内。 不仅拥有国际化的团队,艺术门的影响力更是遍及全球,参加了纽约军械库艺博会(The Armory Show)、科隆国际艺博会(Art Cologne)、香港巴塞尔艺博会(Art Basel )、弗里兹大师展(Frieze Masters)以及西岸艺术与设计博览会等国际主流艺术展。

The Pearl Lam Galleries founded by Ms. Lin Mingzhu has now become one of the important forces promoting the development of contemporary art in Asia. Founded in 2005, the Galleries has played a key role in promoting international dialogue and cross-cultural exchange between East and West.

Through careful planning of its annual exhibition program, the Galleries presents museum-quality exhibitions that re-examine and challenge perceptions of Asian cultural practices. Through a strong combination of Chinese and overseas artists, the gallery is committed to exhibition planning and market cultivation.

Galleries' flagship space in Hong Kong is located in the historic Pedder Building, and its Shanghai space is also located in a historic building on the Bund. Not only does it have an international team, the influence of the Art Galleries spreads all over the world, and it has participated in The Armory Show in New York, Art Cologne, and Art Basel in Hong Kong. ), Frieze Masters and the West Bund Art and Design Fair and other international mainstream art exhibitions.


上海空间:上海市黄浦区香港路117号2楼 203室

Hong Kong Space: 601-605 Pedder Building, 12 Pedder Street, Central, Hong Kong

Shanghai Space: 203, 2/F, 117 Xianggang Road, Shanghai


Zhu Peihong: Evolution of Space

藝術⾨画廊 Pearl Lam Galleries 上海


Zhang Ji: Ultima

藝術⾨画廊 Pearl Lam Galleries 上海

回:描绘艺术家不同的传记——巴巴吉德·奥拉通吉 个展

ATUNWA: Portraying the Different Biographies of an Artist - Babajide Olatunji Solo Exhibition

藝術⾨画廊 Pearl Lam Galleries 上海


Maggi Hambling: The Night

藝術⾨画廊 Pearl Lam Galleries 香港


The Great Game of Go

藝術⾨画廊 Pearl Lam Galleries 上海