
Liu Dongyuan: Day Dreaming

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

刘东塬 Liu Dongyuan

策展人 Curator:


地点 Venue:

局外人画廊 Outsider Gallery

⇨现场图集 Scene View

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前言 Introduction:

翻越视线内的栅栏和房屋, 在昼梦的山脊放生昨夜的幽灵。指路者一半是鱼一半是狼,他知道水底的秘密和陆地的规则。老人把牙齿放入了蛇的肚子里,井底的青蛙在今天消失了。四只眼睛的石头在林子里尖叫,它是通往未知边界的钥匙。梦境的叙事既是随机的,又带有我们尚未意识到的意图。在纯粹的物质美感中,最大的功劳是自然世界的秩序本身,偶然性和趣味构筑的引子指向了尚未探索的地方。刘东塬捕捉了这片梦境的每一细节,从初步的结构到肌理和媒介的抖动参数,都是他超越常规和僭越可控性的尝试。在他的绘画中,构成不再为了维持叙事的完整和连续,而是在追求脱离叙事性的纯粹美学。在本次展览中,图像的叙述和符号指向一个明确的模糊地带,即白昼阴影下暗流涌动的神秘性。当我们有意识的悬置主体性,昼梦成为了符号逃逸的通道,而在主体的碎片脱离叙事之后,它的抽象倒影将成为夜梦的入口,那里是象征消解后无尽的阐释空间。


Beyond fences and homes that our vision does span,To daydream's ridge, freeing night's ghostly clan.The guide, split between fish and wolf, understands the plan,Of secrets held deep and the rules of dry land.Elder's teeth in the snake, a mysterious ban,Today, no trace of the frog in the well's sand.A stone with four eyes wails from its stand,Hold the key to boundaries, never the same.Narrative of dreams can be both random and imbued with intentions we have yet to recognize. In the pure aesthetics of materiality, the greatness merit lies in the order of nature, while whimsy and serendipity act as precursors pointing to unexplored realms.Dongyuan Liu captures every detail of this dreamscape. From its initial structure to the texture and medium's tremble parameters, his approaches transcend the conventional and venture into controllability. In his paintings, composition no longer serves to maintain a complete and continuous narrative but pursues an aesthetics detached from narrativity. In this exhibition, the imagery and symbols hint at a distinct realm of ambiguity, the mysteries lurking in the shadows of daylight.As we consciously suspend subjectivity, daydreams become the escape route for symbols. Once fragments of the self are disengaged from the narrative, their abstract reflections become gateways to nocturnal dreams, where endless interpretations exist beyond dissolved symbols.