郝经芳 & 王令杰:基韦斯特的秩序观

Hao Jingfang & Wang Lingjie: The Idea of Order at Key West

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

郝经芳 & 王令杰 Hao Jingfang & Wang Lingjie

地点 Venue:

阿拉里奥画廊 Arario Gallery(上海)

⇨现场图集 Scene View

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新闻稿 Press Release:







摘自《基韦斯特的秩序观》华莱士·史蒂文斯(张枣 译)

阿拉里奥画廊荣幸宣布将于2023年11月3日至2024年1月6日呈现艺术家组合郝经芳&王令杰的个展《基韦斯特的秩序观》 (The ldea of Order at Key West),展览名取自现代主义诗人华莱士·史蒂文斯的同名诗作,以探讨感知与现实、创造与自然、艺术与科技之间相工依存的关系。

《基韦斯特的秩序观》创作于1934年,是史蒂文斯最重要的诗篇之一,他描写了一位女子在海边歌唱的场景,以及作者由此展开的对于艺术与现实、秩序与混乱的哲学思考。诗中的女了是一位天才的艺术家,她向大自然学习音乐,尽管她的歌声中“有水的碾磨和风的喘息”(The grinding water and the gasping wind),但正是她创造的歌声为风和海洋带来了秩序,在混乱的现实中建立了一个新世界。

史蒂文斯在诗中提出了一个关键问题:即艺术和现实,究竟哪个更重要?他在诗的开篇即表明了立场,写道:“她的歌唱超越了大海的天赋/海水却从未形成思想或声音”(“She sangbeyond the genius of the sea. / The water never formed to mind or voice"].他艺术可以重塑我们感知的现实。艺术家们总能对生活产生某种深刻的、总体的认识,并迫切地想为这无序的世男带去秩序。

“艺术和现实,究竟哪个更重要? ”王令杰也曾问过郝经芳相同的问题,这是艺术工作者在创作过程中需要权衡的两个因素,而对艺术的观点也会影响艺术家对于创作的态度以及生活的取舍。当这个问题被抛出时,郝并没有立即给出一个明确的答案,而是以这个问题为缘起开始构思这件装置作品。


The sea was not a mask. No more was she.

The song and water were not medleyed sound

Even if what she sang was what she heard,

Since what she sang was uttered word by word.

It may be that in all her phrases stirred

The grinding water and the gasping wind;

But it was she and not the sea we heard.

From " The ldea of Order at Key West " by Wallace Stevens

Arario Gallery Shanghai is pleased to announce the solo exhibition "The ldea of Order at Key West" by the artist duo HAO Lingfang & WANG Lingjie from November 3, 2023, to January 6, 2024. The exhibition title is derived from the poem by modernist poet Wallace Stevens, for they share the common theme on the interdependence between art and reality.

The ldea of Order at Key West", written in 1934, stands as a luminous testament to Stevens' literary prowess. The poem, drenched in vivid imagery, paints the tableau of a woman singing by the sea. As she sings, the narrative unfolds into a profound philosophical musing on the intertwining realms of art and reality, order and chaos. The woman, portrayed as an ethereal artist. draws her melodic inspiration from the very heart of nature. Even as her voice resonates with the "grinding water and the gasping wind', it is her soulful rendition that imposes a sense of order upon the restless wind and tumultuous ocean, sculpting a sanctuary of harmony in an otherwise dissonant world.

Stevens raises a pivotal question within his poem: which holds greater weight, art or reality? Right from the outset of the poem, he elucidates his stance, "She sang beyond the genius of the sea. / The water never formed to mind or voice." Stevens proposes that art possesses the power to reshape our perception and even the reality. Great artists tend to foster a profound, overarching understanding of life and harbor an earnest desire to infuse order into this chaotic world.

Art or reality, which is more paramount?" WANG Lingjie once posed this very question to HAO Jingfang. lt's also a dilemma that artists grapple with during their creative process, and one's perspective on art can indeed shape their attitude towards creation and life choices. When confronted with this query, HAO didn't offer an answer. instead, she took inspiration from it, beginning to conceive this installation work.

A plum blossom with five petals was gently cast to the ground, forming the visual motif of this work, The idea was drawn from the opening line of another contemporary poem titled "In the Mirror', "Whenever life's regrets whisper to memory, the plum blossoms softly tumble downThe poet behind these words is ZHANG Zao, also the Chinese translator of the English poem “The ldea of Order at key West”.

With a solid academic background of both art and technology, the artist crafted a work that melds poetic sensibility with the intricacies of technology through meticulous calculations and in-depth research into various materials, equipment, and technical principles, continuing the consistent temperament of their creations. HAO said she created this work as her response to WANG' question and also as a gift to her partner.