

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

白倩于 Cian-Yu Bai布里奇特·马伦 Bridget Mullen丹尼斯·肖勒 Dennis Scholl德永葵 Aoi Tokunaga杜京泽 Du Jingze范婧 Fan Jing季鑫 Ji Xin贾斯珀·哈根纳尔 Jasper Hagenaar金浩在 Ho Jae Kim金施矸 Xian Kim克里斯蒂安·鲁伊斯·伯曼 Christian Ruiz Berman梁世旻 Yang Semine林赛·伯克 Lindsay Burke卢克·阿加达 Luke Agada卢豫 Lu Yu马丁·克罗斯 Martyn Cross马修·汉塞尔 Matthew Hansel美艾 Mie Yim妮缪 Nimyu乔克·德里克 Joke Derycke赛纳 Sainer斯蒂法诺·佩罗内 Stefano Perrone斯蒂潘·塔迪克 Stipan Tadic谭永勍 Tan Yongqing、托比·卡托 Toby Cato、希波利特·亨特根 Hippolyte Hentgen、伊藤达飞 Tat Ito伊万·希尔 Ivan Seal

策展人 Curator:

萨沙·波格捷夫 Saša Bogojev

地点 Venue:

蜂巢当代艺术中心 Hive Center for Contemporary Art(北京)

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

新闻稿 Press Release:

蜂巢当代艺术中心欣然宣布,将于2023年9月16日至10月24日于“蜂巢|北京”呈现由独立作家与策展人萨沙·波格捷夫(Saša Bogojev)策划、并由来自全球的28位艺术家共同参展的大型群展“聚合宇宙(Polyreality)”。长久以来,人类曾基于二元的视角来看待和诠释世界。这些相互关联的对立面,比如好的和坏的,是一种理解周遭的简单方式。但是,二元对立很难觉察许多同时发生的、异己的和冲突的可能性的复杂存在。于是,复合的二元性形成了多重的现实——一种聚合宇宙。

展览 “聚合宇宙”的概念并不是将传统的二元性排除在外。就绘画而言,这种媒介本身的核心就由两个对立面构成-——液体与石粉混合在一起形成颜料,然后用颜料创造出全新的世界;绘画性的实践也可看待为逻辑性的构图和感性的笔触,这在一定程度上循蹈着身心二元论,即身心是两种不同的物质存在的形而上学立场。另一方面,画家们沿袭二元机制在几个世纪以来创作出令人惊叹的作品,发掘了在谱系两端的不同张力。比如明与暗、热与冷、爱与恨,喜与悲等日常感知中的两级现象,也在艺术创作中营造了联系与拉扯。这些对抗指引了一种叙事,一种关于永恒的无尽(宇宙之间的)角逐,全部的宗教、信仰和哲学概念衍生于此。 

尽管这些概念已在历史上被建立和拥护,但它们几乎都是在同一认知的现实中提出二元性的存在。“聚合宇宙”展览希望重新构建我们的思维模式,试图 "跳出二元对立的框架",将这一概念扩张到多重现实中。展览中的作品通过分别呈现不同事实情态的混合交缠形成新的现实,激发新的路径和潜在的叙事。无论是以现代意象介入传统美学,将插画元素融于绘画性的段落之中,无生命物件与人物形象产生对话,表现手法的抽象色彩转化为具象表征,还是将各种元素无秩序地聚合为一个个匪夷所思的新情境,这些艺术家都重新建构了视觉隐喻。通过这些隐喻,我们可以进一步理解我们所处的这个聚合宇宙的复杂性和多维性。

Hive Center for Contemporary Art is pleased to announce the opening of Polyreality on 16 Sept. 2023 at Hive Beijing’s main Hall. Featuring works by 28 artists worldwide, the show is curated by independent writer and curator Saša Bogojev and will be on view till 24 Oct. 2023.Since ancient times, humanity had a tendency to explain the world through the concept of duality. The existence of interconnected opposites, the good and the evil, was an easy way to understand and make sense of things and events around us. But being wired to see things in such binary terms, makes it difficult to comprehend the possible existence of many different, sometimes contradictory directions happening at once. A multitude of dualities forming a multitude of realities - a Polyireality. 

This concept of polyreality doesn’t exclude the undisputable existence of duality. A painting itself is at its core built from the two opposites - fluids mixed together with powdered stones form pigments which are then used to create whole new worlds. The painterly practice can also be divided into the logical design of the composition and the emotive, ritualistic application of the paint, to some extent honoring the mind-body dualism theory, a metaphysical stance that mind and body are two distinct substances. On another hand, painters utilized duality dynamics throughout centuries to create compelling works of art speaking of two forces existing on opposite ends of the spectrum. Such polarities as light and dark, hot and cold, love and hate, or happy and sad condition our everyday thinking but can also be used to create a sense of tension within a work of art. Contrasted against each other, this dichotomy is bound to suggest a narrative, an eternal cosmic battle on which entire religions, beliefs, and philosophical concepts are based. 

And although historically established and approved, such concepts almost exclusively propose the existence of duality within the one, same actuality. Interested in re-wiring our binary mental setup, Polyreality is looking at extending such a notion to a multitude of realities with "thinking outside of the dualistic box". By presenting varied examples of mixing and matching different factualities to form new ones, these works are keeping an open door for new approaches, harnessing the stimuli, and welcoming potential. Whether interrupting the traditional aesthetics with contemporary imagery, placing illustrative segments as essential parts of painterly passages, putting inanimate objects in dialogue with human figures, transforming expressively abstract sections into a representational image, or merging a whole jumble of diverse elements into a mind-bending new scene, these artists are proposing visual metaphors through which to further understand the complexity and multidimensionality of our everyday Polyreality.