
Gao Jialu: Easter

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

高嘉璐 Gao Jialu

策展人 Curator:

王钰 Wang Yu

地点 Venue:

沪申画廊 Space & Gallery Association

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

新闻稿 Press Release:

SGA沪申画廊荣幸宣布将举办艺术家高嘉璐于画廊的首场个展《复活节》,展期为2023年8月19日至10月8日。作为西方传统节日之一,复活节于春分日第一个望日后的星期天举行,故在岁时节序中,有万物复苏的世俗性含义。艺术家的创作基本围绕着“复活节”的内涵展开,通过对“希望”和“重生”等普世命题的关注,传达其身为生命个体的人文主义关怀。此次展览将展出艺术家的“人物”系列和“蛋”系列。其中,“人物”系列将展出艺术家以列奥纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)代表作《最后的晚餐》为基础创作的同名作品。




Space & Gallery Association is pleased to present the inaugural solo exhibition of Gao Jialu: Easter, at our Shanghai gallery. The exhibit is on view from the 19th August 2023 through till the 8th October 2023. As a traditional Western festival, Easter has always come the first Sunday after the Paschal moon, and thus has a secular meaning of rebirth and revival in seasonal festivals. The artist's works are centered around the connotations of Easter, conveying her humanism as an individual through her concerns for universal propositions such as "hope" and "rebirth". The exhibition will feature the artist's series "Figures" and "Eggs", of which the series "Figures" will feature the artist's eponymous work based on Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece The Last Supper.

Gao Jialu has created a system of symbols with independent meanings through her imaginations and spontaneous writings. After receiving her BFA from the School of Visual Arts in New York, she pursued her MA at the Rhode Island School of Design. Using oil paint as her primary medium, she has been seeking a correlation between shape and symbols and has been expressing her iconographies on the canvas.

The artist’s works show the exploration of a unique abstract language. She has been exploring the pictorial significance of independent, systematic character symbols in contemporary art. With intuitive brush strokes, she seeks the connection between colours and images from the meaning and structure of lines and symbols. The contrast and movement of colors and lines form geometric images which composes a narrative. Meanwhile, the simplicity of technique and arrangement abstracts the burden of history that is placed on the colours and lines, allowing her paintings to achieve an abstract and pure visual effect.

Gao is interested in thinking about the world beyond characters. In the full-bodied structure and the tension of modernist colours, the symbols self-originated by the artist pass freely through her works, and the spiritual and imaginative images show the artist's romantic and poetic expression. The abstracted faces of the figures show the artist's concern for humanism. The unreadable symbols are like notes jumping around, bringing musicality to the flat canvas.