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新闻稿 Press Release:
BROWNIE Project荣幸宣布在2023年7月29日(周六)即将呈现艺术家莫罗· C ·马丁内斯在中国的首次个展《Le premier homme 第一个人》。
此次展览“Le premier homme 第一个人”是莫罗·马丁内斯在中国的首次个展,展出其最新创作的架上及雕塑作品,某种程度上呼应着马丁内斯去年在伦敦的个展“The Last Man 末人”。展览标题源于作家加缪的自传,“第一个人”亦多少是对尼采“末人”的回应,这第一个说不的人、第一个欲以脱离当下境遇的人,隐匿着对世界之荒诞的反抗。
BROWNIE Project is thrilled to announce Mauro C. Martinez' s first solo exhibition in China 'Le premier homme' will be open this Saturday July 29.
‘Le premier homme’ is Mauro Martinez’s first solo exhibition in China, featuring his most recent paintings and sculptures, this exhibition to some extent echoes Martinez’s past solo exhibition ‘The Last Man’ in London last year. The title of the exhibition is inspired by Camu’s autobiography. ‘The first man’ is somewhat a response to Nietzsche’s ‘last man’. This first man who says no, this first man who longs to escape from the current situation, is also a man quietly harbors an intention to resist the absurdity of the world.