
Wang Yao: Love is Love

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

王瑶 Wang Yao

地点 Venue:

可以画廊 KeYi Gallery(北京)

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

⇨艺术家访谈 Interview

新闻稿 Press Release:

可以画廊北京空间欣然宣布将于8月6日带来王瑶全新个展「LOVE IS LOVE」,展览将呈现艺术家十余件新作。

展览主题出于艺术家自己的生活经验,作为长期生活和工作于法国的异乡人,这次展览是艺术家对近期情感生活的总结,  一些关于爱与被爱的思考即在家庭生活中对子女的爱和占有的边界感 ; 与伴侣相处时给与与接受的尺度 ; 如何自我探索感受以及扩张爱的范围 … 看似是宽范围的讨论话题,但一条狗近12年朝夕相处的陪伴,用行动正面反映出了所有的爱恨情仇,同时也给出了答案。

KeYi Gallery Beijing Space is pleased to announce a new solo exhibition "LOVE IS LOVE" by Wang Yao on August 6th, presenting more than ten pieces new works. 

The theme of the exhibition is based on the artist's own life experience, as a foreigner living and working in France for a long period of time, this exhibition is a summary of the artist's recent emotional life, with some reflections on the love and being loved, i.e., love of children in family life; the sense of boundaries and possession; the scale of giving and receiving when living with a partner; how to self-explore feelings and expand the scope of love. Some thoughts about love and being loved, i.e. love and possession of children in family life; the scale of giving and receiving with a partner; how to self-explore feelings and expand the scope of love ... It seems to be a wide range of topics for discussion, but the companionship of a dog for nearly twelve years reflects positively all the love-hate relationship with actions, and also gives the answer.