
Ge Hui: Status of The Last Man

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

葛辉 Ge Hui

策展人 Curator:

郑果 Zheng Guo

学术主持 Academic Advisor

孙周兴 Sun Zhouxing

地点 Venue:

昊美术馆 How Art Museum(上海)

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

⇨学术文章 Curatorial Text

新闻稿 Press Release:



1983 年葛辉出生于江苏,其作品聚焦于对形体、形状的研究;擅长用理性思维介入创作,将人体、动植物的形象元素拆分、重构,最终显现出富有张力的超现实景观。“末人形状” 梳理了艺术家的研究方向,也直观地展现出葛辉在不断探索的过程中,更为精准的表达。本次展览由孙周兴担任学术主持。

HOW Art Museum is pleased to announce that the solo exhibition, Status Of The Last Man, by Ge Hui will be on view in space two on 3F of the museum from Jul 28,2023.

This exhibition presents the works of artist Ge Hui throughout the different periods since he started to create, and comprehensively interpreted the artist's work and research orientation in recent years--breaking through the restrictions of human beings instead of passing human nature through experiences.

Ge Hui was born in Jiangsu in 1983. His works mainly focus on the study of form and shape; he is skilled in bringing rational thoughts to creation, splitting and reconstructing the visual elements of the human body, animals.and plants, and eventually showing a surreal sight that is full of tension. Status Of The Last Man sorts the research of the artist, as well as directly presents the precise expression during Ge Hui's constant exploration. Professor Sun Zhouxing is the academic moderator of the exhibition.