设计上海 2023|南柯画廊

Design Shanghai 2023|Nan Ke Gallery

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

白梦帆 Bai Mengfan董孝驰 Dong Xiaochi章烟朦 Zhang Yanmeng金瀚 Jin Han陈问村 Chen Wencun周蒙 Zhou Meng童默 Tong Mo吴牧寒 Wu Muhan

参展商 Exhibitor:

南柯画廊 Nan Ke Gallery

地点 Venue:

上海世博展览馆 Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

新闻稿 Press Release:

南柯画廊欣然宣布参加 2023 年设计上海 DesignShanghai 展会,携多位艺术家的新作以及代表性作品亮相展位 3B01,其中包括白梦帆 (MengfanBai )、董孝驰 ( Xiaochi Dong ) 、章烟朦(Yanmeng Zhang)、金瀚 (Han Jin) 、陈问村(Wencun Chen) 、周蒙 (Meng Zhou) 、童默(Mo Tong) 、吴牧寒 (Muhan Wu) 。这些艺术家的作品风格迥异,却在其探讨的内容与形式上达成了高度的线索统一性,其中涵盖了绘画、动力装置、雕塑等媒介,展出的作品从自然主义过度到了物质议题,最终延展至当下的虚拟世代。

Nan Ke Gallery is pleased to announce its participation in Design Shanghai in 2023. We showcased a collection of new artworks and representative pieces by several young Chinese artists at our booth 3B01. The participating artists include Mengfan Bai, Xiaochi Dong, Han Jin, Meng Zhou, Mo Tong, Muhan Wu, Wencun Chen, and Yanmeng Zhang. These artists demonstrate diverse artistic styles, yet they achieve remarkable coherence in their exploration of content and form. The exhibition encompasses various mediums such as painting, kinetic installations, and sculpture. The showcased artworks transition from naturalistic representations to material concerns, ultimately extending into the realm of the contemporary virtual world.