
Wei Minghui: Ongoing Farce

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

卫明辉 Wei Minghui

地点 Venue:

拟像画廊 Simulacra Gallery

⇨现场图集 Scene View

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⇨新闻稿 Press Release

新闻稿 Press Release:

SIMULACRA拟像将于2024年5月18日带来卫明辉(Minghui Wei)个展「正在发生的闹剧 Ongoing Farce」。再荒诞的东西在某种理解下也产生于人脑,意识形态也算是一种“现实”。在我们意识形态的构建中,不存在所谓的“非现实”元素,所有的荒谬之事实际上均是现实的一部分。卫明辉采用了一种独特的方法论,将形而上的概念通过日常语汇解构重组,这种策略强调了即便是最荒诞不经的想象也在某种解释下显示出其内在的现实性。这些场景从未真正发生过,但在特定的语境下,它们似乎又真实存在于现实与虚构之间的裂痕中。




SIMULACRA will present Minghui Wei's solo exhibition「Ongoing Farce」on May 18, 2024. Even the most absurd things arise from human cognition in some form of understanding, and ideology itself counts as a "reality." In the construction of our ideologies, there are no so-called "unreal" elements; all absurdities are, in fact, part of reality. Minghui Wei employs a unique methodology, deconstructing and reassembling metaphysical concepts through everyday vocabulary, highlighting that even the most absurd imaginations reveal their inherent reality under certain interpretations. These scenarios have never truly happened, yet in specific contexts, they seem to exist within the fissures between reality and fiction.

In his creations, Wei skillfully blends conceptual depth with aesthetic form, using contradictions and absurd elements within his compositions to express the complexity and multidimensionality of the inner world. These narratives depict various contradictions and tensions in everyday life, telling modern fables about loneliness, alienation, love, and work. The artist's frequent use of distorted physical spaces and unconventional scene arrangements not only captures visual attention but also prompts viewers to psychologically reassess their preconceived notions of "reality." The recurring patterns and symbols in his works hint at a broader theme—the invisible aspects of reality and the individual's place within it.

This exhibition serves as a bridge between Minghui Wei's previous and current works, as he continues to employ symbolism and surrealism in his narratives. He integrates seemingly absurd elements into profoundly symbolic imagery, thereby transforming them into a different kind of life study. In exploring the struggle between convention and habit, Wei reveals deep societal and personal contradictions. These multi-layered, multi-perspective visual narratives represent the artist's profound dialogue about reality, dreams, and the human condition.‍