
Mun Chaeeun: Undeliverd Words

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

文彩银 Mun Chaeeun

主办 Host:

震旦博物馆 Aurora Museum珀德画廊 Bird Gallery

地点 Venue:

震旦博物馆 Aurora Museum

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

⇨新闻稿 Press Release

新闻稿 Press Release:




过去她曾在访谈时,提及「I’m not Fine」系列谈到:“我希望鼓励对由于社会期望而抑制的负面情感的表达。”作品画面中的人物头部被放大,以一种独特的视觉方式,勾勒出成年人心中压抑情感的孩童,在风中欲言又止的形象。以悬浮的珍珠、飘浮的云朵等物体和景象,结合复杂的眼神和拂乱的发丝,来表现人物内心的复杂情绪。


Bird Gallery is pleased to announce that artist Mun Chaeeun's solo exhibition "Undeliverd Words" will be held at the Aurora Museum from May 1st to May 31st. This marks the artist's first solo exhibition in a museum and her first solo exhibition of 2024. The exhibition will feature over twenty representative series of paintings created by the artist in recent years.

The title of the exhibition, "Undeliverd Words", reflects the artist's exploratory experience in her creative process. Mun Chaeeun's artistic practice focuses on the self-alienation and psychological dilemmas that people experience due to the suppression of emotions in modern society, highlighting the conflicts and struggles between the individual self and the self constructed by society.

Her works often use wind as a motif to express complex emotions such as anger, lack, sadness, depression, anxiety, and fatigue that are hidden within oneself. 

In the past, she mentioned in interviews her "I'm not Fine" series, stating: "I hope to encourage the expression of negative emotions that are suppressed due to societal expectations." Characters in her works have enlarged heads, portraying adults with suppressed emotions resembling children, hesitating to speak in the wind. The use of suspended pearls, floating clouds, and other objects and scenes, combined with complex expressions and tousled hair, depicts the characters' complex inner emotions.

"Undeliverd Words" initiates a dialogue through a rich array of artworks, inviting the audience to enter the world shaped by the works with their intuitive sensibility, collectively capturing the empathy of those "undeliverd words."