
Li Mingshan: Monologue

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

李明珊 Li Mingshan

策展人 Curator:

黑匣子 Black Box

地点 Venue:

玉兰堂 Line Gallery(上海)

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

前言 Foreword:





In 1941, Márai Sándor wrote a book titled Az igazi, and continued this story about love and loneliness of individuals and the times in his another book Judit... és az utóhang 40 years later. These two books were bound as one titled Portraits of A Marriage after Márai Sándor passed away. Looking at this book again on the shelf, Li Mingshan sensed from it the commonality between the works to be displayed during this exhibition.

Such commonality is described by the artist as “monologue”, which is a kind of one-man show derived from plays. During such show, the actor faces the black auditorium, giving a long monologue, just like those many single portraits on show in this exhibition. In the room of inner heart, a small sofa and a small table lamp in Bohemian style suggests the wandering and loneliness of the soul and the nomadism by the campfire under the stars. The span between a designer and an artist shows that there is an emotional seed hiding in Li Mingshan.

No one is a pure monomer. All the seemingly lonely resoluteness is a kind of disguise, just like the seemingly endless lovers’ monologue used by Márai Sándor and also like the lonely howl of wolves in the wilderness which seems forlorn but is a call of their peers. Li Mingshan faithfully reveals her inner emotion in the form of monologue, including those extremely sensitive ups and downs.

Therefore, what is displayed here is not the outdoor scene for personal drama but the indoor setting in the center of the stage of mind. The artist always yearns for “truth”, which is not only the sincerity exhibited by her, but also the emotional yearning and impulse for “truth”. Manifested as a drawing language unique to the artist, it is presented in front of the audience in a highly romantic way.