展期 Period:
艺术家 Artist:
倪志琪 Ni Zhiqi、曼农·斯泰亚特 Manon Steyaert、理查德·迪恩·休斯 Richard Dean Hughes、于艾君 Yu Aijun
地点 Venue:
前言 Introduction:
本次展览运用了“海报墙”的概念,将四个版本的海报打印在不同材质的纸上,最终组合形成一个完整的海报,这一过程呼应了展览标题“寻找 _____”。
This exhibition utilizes the concept of a "poster wall", where four versions of the poster are typed on paper of different materials and put together to form the complete poster, this process echoes the exhibition title 'Looking for _____'.