

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

本·埃德蒙兹 Ben Edmunds石川真奎 Masaki Ishikawa尼古拉斯·史蒂文斯 Nicholas Stewens蒂洛·詹森 Thilo Jenssen威廉·米克罗斯·安徒生 Villiam Miklos Andersen

策展人 Curator:

渣克周 Zachariah Zhou

地点 Venue:

局外人画廊 Outsider Gallery

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

⇨新闻稿 Press Release

前言 Introduction:



As structured information networks operate with the precision of logistics, work and life are no longer dichotomous but merge under the guidance of bionics and systems theory. In an era where digital images and screens define visual experiences, PPI (Pixels Per Inch) emerges as a critical indicator, signifying the modern visual culture's pursuit of clarity and precision.

Art, transcending its role as a carrier of meaning, evolves into an enhancement of utilitarianism and becomes an integral part of daily life. Yet, beneath this structure's perfect facade, a more intense primal impulse and a counter to the civil order are brewing. Violence and hostility escalate under the refined spectacle, revealing the inherent contradictions and impermanence beneath the smooth surface: fierce magma will wander through the mantle by an irresistible force, giving rise to life anew.