
展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

刘㔻 Liu Pi、刘晓冬 Liu Xiaodong、杨淞 Yang Song郑维 Zheng Wei张永基 Zhang Yongji郑子豪 Zheng Zihao

策展人 Curator:

段少锋 Duan Shaofeng渣克周 Zachariah Zhou

地点 Venue:

局外人画廊 Outsider Gallery

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

前言 Introduction:


而光作为现代性的表征,它通过改变人们的观看方式从而改变了世界。印象派的艺术家们想必对此有深刻的体会,波普一代的艺术家亦是如此,1960年代的纽约如同一场梦境,在今天看来依然不真实。而千禧年之后的艺术家们更处于如露亦如电的拟真,他们早已经实现数字化生存,在虚拟现实,人工智能到来的时代,“Everything everywhere all at once”只是个小目标。


"Light" carries a deep semiotic and anthropological meaning. As a physical entity, light is a witness to the history of civilization, linking humankind to nature. From the distant days of myth and legend to the long period of feudalism throughout the East and West, light has always been a sacred element. Since the industrial revolution, light has been transformed in leaps and bounds, to the point where today's contemporary metropolis already has no distinction between day and night. From the television screen to the ubiquity of mobile media in the Internet age, light has established heterogeneous universes beyond the real world. Different pixel arrangements have become the entrance to these realms, and everyone can live in the paradise that is moving within the screen's blaze. At the same time, the evolution of light in social production has also profoundly influenced the development and changes of visual art, developing from representing the sense of the sublime into the complex rhizome of the present... Light connects the present with the past in art history, thus becoming the prism of reality in the language system of generations of artists, refracting different wavelengths of the "spectrum of -isms."

As a manifestation of modernity, light has reshaped the world by changing the way people see. Impressionists must had experienced this, and so did the Pop generation, where New York in the 1960s was like a dream that still seems unreal today. The artists of the post-millennium generation are more in the position of simulation, where they have already realized their digital existence. In the era of virtual reality and artificial intelligence, "Everything everywhere all at once" is just a small goal.

Although the mode of art production has undergone changes, the aura (or post-aura) deriving from the subjectivity of the artists cannot be easily erased. Therefore, in the name of light, the first exhibition of OUTSIDER will present the works of seven artists who have taken the initiative to run into the unknown from their own perception.