布拉德·布朗 个展

Brad Brown Solo Exhibition

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

布拉德·布朗 Brad Brown

地点 Venue:

狮語画廊 Leo Gallery(香港)

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

新闻稿 Press Release:

香港狮語画廊非常荣幸呈献布拉德·布朗个展。 是次展览展期从2024年1月25日至3月15日,展示了布朗职业生涯中最具代表性的两个抽象作品系列,这些作品代表了时间的积累,他在画布和纸上的视觉库存 ,以及在笔触和色彩之间流动的想象力。

布朗于1987年开始他的纸上作品系列《The Look Stains》。 同时,由2001年起,他开始了一个并行的创作旅程,创作了一系列油画作品并名为《Piece》。 这两个项目从一开始就有意保持在一个「未完成」的状态,使艺术家摆脱了传统意义上所谓「完成」观念的束缚。 正因为不再受限于「完成」和「未完成」之间的二元对立,艺术家的日常创作更具蓬勃的生命力,像植物一样茁壮成长。 仔细观察的话,布朗每幅画中的物体像漫画或幻灯片一样,以灿烂的方式相互连接并产生共鸣。

布朗的每一幅画都是独立的,却从不独自存在。 这两个系列包含了他横跨不同年份的成千上万幅画作,组成一个视觉信息的网络,通过画家的组合、剪切、黏贴和重新组织不断进行着变化。

布朗在一次访谈的分享中反映了他的艺术哲学:「不要追求结局。一旦下了这决定,我便完全自由了。我可以做任何事,让任何事情发生。」这些话概括了布朗对自己 的创作过程的看法,强调了他在摒弃固定结果的限制下所找到的自由。 布朗并没有设定明确的结论,他毫无保留地投入其中,展开了无限的探索。 他大胆地冒险,拥抱意想不到的事物,并让直觉引导他的笔触。 在他的艺术历程中,布朗邀请观众与他一同探索未知,发现当我们放下期望的束缚时所能获得的自由。


Leo Gallery Hong Kong is delighted to present Brad Brown Solo Exhibition on view from 25 Jan to 15 Mar 2024. The exhibition features two of the most iconic series of abstract works from Brown's career, which represent an accumulation of time, his visual archives on canvas and paper, and his imagination that flows between brushstrokes and colours. 

Brown began his series of works on paper, "The Look Stains", in 1987. Simultaneously, he embarked on a parallel journey with a collection of oil paintings on cradled panels known as "Piece", which commenced in 2001. Both projects have intentionally remained in an "unfinished" state ever since, liberating the artist from the confines of traditional notions of completion. No longer restricted by the dichotomy between the states of "completed" and the "incomplete", the artist's daily creations grow and thrive like plants with vitality. Like a comic strip or a slide show, the objects in each painting are connected in a splendid way and respond to each other. 

Each of Brown's paintings is independent, yet never alone. "The Look Stains" series comprises thousands of paintings arranged into a network of visual information that undergoes constant transformation through the painter's assembly, cutting, pasting, and reorganisation. 

As a profound statement reflecting his artis-tic philosophy, Brown once shared during an interview, "Don't look for the end. Once that was decided, I was completely libe-rated. I could just do anything and allow anything to happen". These words encapsulate Brown's approach to his creative process, emphasising the freedom he finds in abandoning the confines of fixed outcomes. Without having a definitive conclusion, Brown opens himself up to boundless exploration. With this mindset, he fearlessly ventures into embracing the unexpected and allowing his intuition to guide his brush. In his artistic journey, Brown invites viewers to join him in exploring the unknown, to find liberation when we let go of the constraints of expectation.

Join us at Leo Gallery Hong Kong as ‘Brad Brown Solo Exhibition’ promises to be one extraordinary exhibition, serving as a gateway to unlock the expression of your inner world and a transformative breakthrough from the mundane aspects of life.