以光影之名——李英维、刘璐 双个展

In the Name of Lights and Shadows - Lei Ieng Wai and Liu Lu Dual Solo Exhibition

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

李英维 Lei Ieng Wai刘璐 Liu Lu

策展人 Curator:

莫伟康 Mok Wai Hong

地点 Venue:

狮語画廊 Leo Gallery(香港)

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

新闻稿 Press Release:

狮語画廊荣幸地公布,“P to P” 系列展的第二回“P2P”12月初于香港狮語空间展出充满炫丽光影所架构的双人展;他们分别是来自澳门的李英维(Lei Ieng Wai )和杭州的刘璐(Liu Lu)。当代生活避不开屏幕上的光和像素,人造色域越来越接近大自然之森罗万象,两位年青艺术家的创作同样来自上述环境,他们的创作刚柔并济,李英维以冷峻的线条配以柔和的色彩,刘璐则是浓重的色彩置于多重空间。








Leo Gallery is delighted to announce the upcoming opening of “P2P”, a subsequent exhibition of the "P to P" series, which will showcase a dazzling display of lights and shadows at our gallery space in Hong Kong in early December. The exhibition features two aspiring artists, Lei Ieng Wai from Macau and Liu Lu from Hangzhou. In modern times like these, it is inevitable for us to escape the pervasive presence of light and pixels on our screens. The artificial colour spectrum is gradually approaching the vast wonders of nature. Both young artists draw inspiration from such environment. Their works strike a harmonious balance between strength and delicacy. Lei Ieng Wai combines plain lines with gentle colours, while Liu Lu skilfully employs rich hues across multiple spatial dimensions.

Lei Ieng Wai’s (b. 1986) artistic journey began during his time at college in Macau, when he developed a keen sensitivity towards lights and colours. He adeptly crafts profound and dreamlike spaces by skilfully playing with variations of lights, shadows, projections and reflections. In his recent works, while there may be traces reminiscent of Mondrian, upon closer examination, viewers will discover that the framework and intricate details of his artworks were in fact derived from The XYZ Coordinates of the virtual world. The gentle colours serve as some delicate yet captivating veils which invite viewers to patiently appreciate the essence of his artwork. 

Liu Lu (b. 1991), currently resides and works in Hangzhou, exhibits traces of everyday life in her early works with many elements derived from the virtual world presented on screens. Her artworks are consistently grounded in irregular forms and richly saturated colours, featuring silhouettes of various living beings and objects. In her recent works showcased in this exhibition, she employs concise lines and a more vibrant colour palette, resembling layers of stage curtains to depict depth of field. Viewers may venture into Liu’s microcosm and make interpretations differently from the artist herself, therein lies the enchantment of art.

In terms of curation, we intended to display the works of the two artists in a mixed and contrasting format, aiming to highlight the similarities and differences in their creations rather than adopting a traditional "duo solo exhibition" approach. Indeed, artworks have consistently acted as a profound conduit, connecting artists and viewers on a spiritual level, transcending the boundaries of time and space. Through this exhibition, we sincerely hope that everyone can experience the interplay of lights and shadows which are derived from the essence of their everyday lives. More importantly, for each individual to be touched by a gentle and tranquil resonance that evokes a subtle ripple within their hearts.

I would like to express my gratitude to Lei and Liu for bringing us these captivating artworks. A heartfelt appreciation is also extended to Leo Gallery in both Shanghai and Hong Kong as well as the dedicated team members for their support. In addition, I am sincerely grateful for the presence of all the visitors, as this exhibition would not have been possible without your engagement. Last but not least, we eagerly anticipate the unveiling of "P3P" and "P4P" in the near future.

Mok Wai Hong 


Basking in gentle breeze in wintry Hong Kong, 2023