陈立 Chen Li

Photo of the curator

独立策展人和写作者,现生活并工作在中国北京。他曾于魔金石空间担任研究主管,并在中国香港与内地从事独立策展。他的研究主要关注于地缘政治、表演性及流动影像,探索身份与主体的复杂性,及其如何超越地理的界限。陈立曾策划“相去几何”(阿那亚艺术中心,北戴河,2023),“琢面”(画廊周北京公共单元,北京,2023)、“比赛继续、舞台留下”(广东时代美术馆,广州,2019)、“今天应该很高兴”(泰康空间,北京,2019)、“世变”(Para Site,香港,2016)、“他/她从海上来”(OCAT,深圳,2016)等展览。陈立参与了多个国际驻留项目:2016年亚洲艺术文献库研究者驻留;2019年韩国国立现代美术馆国际研究者项目驻留;2019年获得亚洲文化协会纽约策展驻留奖助金。

Leo Li Chen is a curator and writer based in Beijing. He was the Director of Research in Magician Space, Beijing, and a curator in Hong Kong and mainland. His main research focuses on geopolitics, performativity and moving images, to explore the complexity of identity and subjectivity that transcends geographical barriers. He has curated the exhibitions, How Far, How Close (Aranya Art Center, Beidaihe, 2023); Facets (Gallery Weekend Beijing Public Sector, 2023) ; The Racing Will Continue, The Dancing Will Stay (Guangdong Times Museum, Guangzhou, 2019); Today Could Have Been a Happy Day (Taikang Space, Beijing, 2018); That Has Been and Maybe Again (Para Site, Hong Kong, 2016); Adrift (OCAT, Shenzhen, 2016), and so on. He was a resident researcher at Asia Art Archive in 2016, and at MMCA Korea in 2019. He gained the New York curator residency fellowship by Asian Cultural Council in 2019.


Unidentified Object

松美术馆 Song Art Museum 北京


Li Xiaoliang: Journey to Nowhere

今日美术馆 Today Art Museum 北京


Liang Li: Mortal Beings

Simple One 北京