
Liang Li: Mortal Beings

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

梁莉 Liang Li

策展人 Curator:

陈立 Chen Li

支持 Support:

伯年艺术空间 Bonian Space

地点 Venue:

Simple One

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

新闻稿 Press Release:

SIMPLE ONE 荣幸呈现中国艺术家梁莉的首个国内个展“尘世”,展出艺术家近十余年的37幅摄影作品,及相关文献影像。自2013年以来,梁莉不断前往喜马拉雅山脉区域和南亚地区,大量拍摄记录了生活在这些多样宗教文明汇聚区域人们的日常生活和精神面貌。相比以物理距离来界定遥远与否,因为这些区域的自然环境、宗教与民族复杂性,它更应被称之为一种现代性力量的不易抵达。梁莉的摄影创作聚焦的是宗教世俗化下人们的朴素生活,去传递一种暂未被现代主义惊扰而自然流露的坚定力量。



SIMPLE ONE is delighted to present Mortal Beings, the first solo exhibition of Chinese artist Liang Li, which contains her 37 photos and many related archival images in the past ten years. Since 2013, Liang Li has been traveling to the Himalayan region and South Asia to take records of the local people’s life, where diverse religious civilizations exist. Instead of being defined by physical distance, these areas are remote for the force of modernity to reach because of their natural environment, religion, and complex ethnicity. Liang Li’s works focus on the simple and mundane life of religious people, in order to convey a firm strength that has not been disturbed by modernism.

Liang Li’s works are mainly portraits with scenes of daily life, folk customs and specific rituals. Because of the geographical environment and specific culture, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and other religions blend with secular life. In their daily life, the subjects naturally present the continuation and search for the spiritual power of ancient civilization. Liang Li’s early works are rather documentary with the emphasis on a certain instant. With further exploration, she constantly adjusted between the role of creator and observer, and tried to rethink how to understand the freedom and habitat of spiritual life. Gradually her works became more quotidian and intimate, and the difference between subject and object disappeared. She was there with them, the monks, boys and girls, people on the streets and boats. Their eyes were pure and unguarded. Their life was simple and serene. At the same time, she insisted on capturing people and scenes, which blurred the line between performativity and daily life, so as to explore a universal perception of the world.

In Liang Li's works, we will not see the spectacle of religion and folklore, or the otherization of suffering and underdevelopment. In her works, religion and difference are a given existence and objective perspective instead of the precondition. Although we can recognize the different beliefs and customs by people’s faces, clothes and scenes, their eyes and body gestures are relaxed and natural. Liang Li's works attempt to capture the life and spiritual support that can be shared under the difference. This is a life experience of religious secularization as well as the search and inquiry for the ideal spiritual place in the world.