冯雅菲 Feng Yafei

Photo: Courtesy of Ginkgo Space

策展人,于纽约生活多年,本科毕业于帕森斯设计学院,同时期在伦敦中央圣⻢丁艺术学院学术交流,研究生毕业于佳士得美术学院纽约分校艺术管理专业。她曾在佳士得拍卖⾏(纽约)中国瓷器及艺术品部门⼯作,并于纽约创办艺术空间Space Feng(Pearl St.前身),空间曾举办王子平、杜秋锐等多位艺术家个展。目前,她工作生活于上海,创办了Pearl St.艺术空间。她曾策划包括于西岸艺术与设计博览会/西岸艺术中心、上海K11、上海大丸百货、杭州文博会、FashionZoo、野生⻘年艺术节等⻘年艺术家展览。她曾与新世界集团、百联资控及百空间、⼀条艺术等机构及媒体合作,也是E.E Art Group创始成员之⼀。她⼀直致力于为有潜力的⻘年艺术家策展发声并⽀持其在艺术市场的宣传与开拓。

Curator, she has lived in New York for many years. She graduated from Parsons School of Design with a bachelor's degree. During the same period, she had academic exchanges at Central Saint Martins School of Art in London. She graduated from Christie's School of Fine Arts, New York, majoring in art management. She once worked in the Chinese porcelain and art department of Christie's Auction House (New York), and founded the art space Space Feng (predecessor of Pearl St.) in New York. The space has held solo exhibitions of many artists such as Wang Ziping and Du Qiurui. Currently, she lives and works in Shanghai and founded Pearl St. Art Space. She has curated exhibitions for mature artists including West Bund Art and Design Fair/West Bund Art Center, Shanghai K11, Shanghai Daimaru Department Store, Hangzhou Cultural Expo, FashionZoo, Wild Years Art Festival, etc. She has cooperated with New World Group, Bailian Capital, Baispace, Yitiao Art and other institutions and media, and is also one of the founding members of E.E Art Group. She has been committed to curating and speaking out for promising young artists and supporting their promotion and development in the art market.


Shi Chengdong: Pioneer, Advancing with Light

今格空间 Ginkgo Space 深圳