
Shi Chengdong: Pioneer, Advancing with Light

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

史成栋 Shi Chengdong

策展人 Curator:

冯雅菲 Feng Yafei

地点 Venue:

今格空间 Ginkgo Space(深圳)

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

⇨展览评论 Exhibition Review

⇨艺术家访谈 Artist Interview

新闻稿 Press Release:


史成栋新作以光为线索,重塑了场域与时空的概念。展览中的三幅作品着重突出了主题,在《和光前行》中,光从画面中心的树木四射开来,冲破了场域,混沌了时空。 四周的天、地、树皆卷入巨大的光束中,只剩下两个分明的挖掘者映照着笃定前行。画面两侧人物暗影的刻画增添了穿梭之感,或许是挖掘者的影子,又或许是时空中遗留下的记忆。这种迷幻的剧场感始终贯穿于成栋的作品之中,似现实具象,又似心灵之域,艺术家意在讨论内心与外界的对照。持续前行着的身影不断地挖掘着光,寻找着自我,于如梦似幻的场域中产生一种内心的投射。



史成栋,1989 出生于中国上海,2013 毕业于中央美术学院油画系获学士学位,2018 毕业于中央美术学院油画系获硕士学位,目前任教于上海戏剧学院舞美系绘画专业。


Ginkgo Space is pleased to announce a solo exhibition by Shi Chengdong, titled “pioneer, Advancing withLight", from November 18 to December 23, 2023. This exhibition is the artist's first collaboration with GinkgoSpace, as well as his first solo exhibition in Shenzhen. The exhibition is curated by Feng Yafei.

in Shi Chengdong's new works, light serves as the thread, reshaping the concepts of space and time. Three works in the exhibition emphasize this theme. n "Advancing with Light", light radiates from the center of the image, breaking through the field, and disrupting space and time. The surrounding sky, earth, and trees are all engulfed in massive beams of light, leaving only two distinct excavators illuminated in their determined advance. The depiction of shadows on either side of the image adds a sense of traversal -- perhaps the shadows of the excavators or remnants of memories left in space and time. This hallucinatory theatrical sense runs throughout his work. seemingly grounded in reality vet evoking a realm of the subconscious. The artist aims to explore the interplay between inner contemplation and the external world, The figure continuously advancing digs into the light, seeking self-discovery in the dreamlike landscape.

Shi Chengdong was born in Shanghai, China in 1989, graduated from the Oil Painting Department of theCentral Academy of Fine Arts in 2013 with a bachelor's degree and in 2018 with a master's degree. He currently teaches in the Painting Department within the Department of Stage Design at the Shanghai Theatre Academy.

Text / Feng Yafei