林梓 Lin Zi

Photo: Courtesy of Bird Gallery

艺术批评人,策展人,自由撰稿人,艺术批评公号“批评人Critix”主理人。2010年获得加拿大阿卡迪亚大学文学双学位学士(心理学及艺术史),2017年获得美国纽约视觉艺术学院艺术硕士(艺术批评及写作),师从纽约艺术批评家David Levi Strauss。

曾担任前波画廊(纽约)执行助理,常青画廊(北京)画廊助理,以及仚東堂画廊策展人;作为撰稿人,曾在《CAFA艺讯网》,《典藏》,《艺术与设计》,《艺术中国》,《Degree Critical》等特约专栏撰稿人;作为策展人,曾在温州泓美术馆策划徐震个展“训练祖宗”,北京茶所空间策划Stephen Gleadow个展“二十世纪的遗迹生坑”,保利香港艺术空间策划OSTEO INDIGO——左岩峰个展等十余个展览。林梓于2017-2020年曾在纽约策划“VPN-与边界的相对位置”,“Turbo Turbot”,“The Vision Machine”,“Illumination in the Black Box”, “Fancy Blue Stroke”,“Good as Gold”以及“When Blus Swallows Red”等十二场展览。

Art critic, curator, freelancer writer, and poet, graduated from Acadia University with double major in psychology and art history in 2010; graduated from Art Criticism and Writing MFA Program in SVA, 2017. 

He took position as the curator’s assistance in National Art Museum of China (Beijing), executive assistance in Chambers Fine Art (New York) and Galleria Continua (Beijing), official curator in 7sLabo (New York), and guest curator in Novado Gallery (New York). His criticism and writing pieces can be seen from various major art media, including CAFA Art Info, China Daily, Degree Critical, Tussle Magazine, Artforum China, Artouch, ArtCo China, Yishu, Art and Design, Art China, Sina Contemporary Art, and many others. As a curator, Zi Lin’s previous works includes shows such as VPN-The Relative Position with Boundaries (2017), Turbo Turbot (2018), The Vision Machine(2018), Illumination in the Black Box(2018), Fancy Blue Stroke(2019), Pink Rendezvous(2019), and Good As Gold(2019).


Cheng Liang: Vector Arcade Hall

珀德艺术空间 Bird Art Space 上海