陈嘉莹 Jenny Jiaying Chen

Photo: Courtesy of Longlati

现为上海交通大学人文学院博士后研究员、独立策展人与写作者。2019-2023 年于华东师范大学外国哲学系攻读博士,师从姜宇辉教授,聚焦身体、新唯物论与性别形上学的前沿研究。她近来转向受女性主义与后殖民理论启发的离散美学,也关注艺术理论的在地化实践。与此同时,她将艺术视为颠覆现有可感分治与可知框架的具体手段。2023 年间她曾于经纬艺术中心担任艺术总监。

A postdoctoral researcher at the School of Humanities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, independent curator, and writer. From 2019 to 2023, she studied for a PhD in the Department of Western Philosophy at East China Normal University, under the supervision of Professor Yuhui JIANG, focusing on the frontier research of the body, new materialism and the metaphysics of sex. She has recently turned to diaspora aesthetics inspired by feminist and postcolonial theories and is also concerned with the localisation practice of art theory. At the same time, she sees art as a concrete means of subverting the existing partition of the sensible and frames of intelligibility. She worked for the Longlati Foundation as an Art Director in 2023.


Zhang Yibei: Please No Helmet

Longlati经纬艺术中心 Longlati Foundation 上海