祝羽捷 Tutu Zhu

Photo: Courtesy of How Art Museum

写作者、策展人、文化学者,毕业于英国中央圣马丁艺术策展与批评专业,复旦大学艺术哲学博士候选人。曾策划 “一间自己的房间II”、“隐喻与凝视”、“未来出走”、“柔者成承”、“雅努斯的界面”等当代艺术展,为2021年阿尔勒影展艺术家奖展提名;著有《万物皆有欢喜处》《世界从不寂静》《人到了美术馆会好看起来》《羽来信》等;译作有《哗众取宠》《文艺复兴人》《简洁如相片》等;主持并出品《ZHU在英伦》文化短视频节目,2018年曾被英国旅游局授予“中国区社交媒体影响力友好大使”;主持当代艺术播客访谈节目“艺术折叠”。2023年起,担任ELLE China文化-艺术顾问。

Writer, curator and cultural scholar, graduated from Central Saint Martins in Art Curation and Criticism, and is a PhD candidate in art philosophy at Fudan University. She has curated contemporary art exhibitions such as A Room of My Own II, Metaphor and Gaze, Future Exodus, Flexibiliity Carries, and The Interface of Janus. Nominated for the Les Rencontres d'Arles Artist Prize Exhibition 2021;Author of The Stories of 45 Craftsmen, The Sound of  Silence, You Look Better in the Museum, The Letters from Zhu Yujie, etc.

Translated into Playing to the Gallery, Renaissance People, And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief As Photos, etc. Hosted and produced ZHU's Life in Britain cultural short video program, She was awarded "China Social Media Influencer Friendly Ambassador" by VisitBritain in 2018. Hosted the contemporary art podcast "Art Fold", Cultural and artistic advisor to ELLE China since 2023.


Xu Jinjin: Against This Earth, She Knocks - Research-based Art Project

昊美术馆 How Art Museum 上海