夏·贝特尔 Shai Baitel

Photo: Courtesy of Modern Art Museum Shanghai

1975年出生于以色列,是一位在艺术文化领域拥有丰富经验的艺术高管。 拜特尔是全球跨学科综合性艺术中心 Mana Contemporary 的联合创始人,目前担任上海现代艺术博物馆 (MAM) 的艺术总监,并曾在惠特尼美国艺术博物馆和荷兹利亚艺术博物馆担任创意总监。 当代艺术博物馆、机构。 继2019年发起MAM上海首个体验式展览“鲍勃·迪伦:其他回顾展”后,他在2021年巴塞尔艺术展期间将这一标志性展览带到了迈阿密Patricia &Phillip Frost美术馆。他还与建筑师扎哈·哈迪德的合作伙伴密切合作,为哈迪德的首次个展开幕。 展览(中国)和同步庆祝活动在哈迪德位于纽约市的第一个也是最后一个住宅物业举行。他是多本著名出版物的作家和撰稿人。

Born in lsrael in 1975, is artsexecutive with anextensive experience in the art & culture fields. Best known as theco-founder of Mana contemporary, a global, multidisciplinary andcomprehensive arts center, Baitel currently serves as the artisticdirector of the Modern Art Museum (MAM) in Shanghai and hasworked on projects as creative director with the Whitney Museumof American Art and the Herzliya Museum of contemporary Art,institutions. After originating Bob Dylan:amongotherRetrospectrum in 2019, which was MAM Shanghai's first experiencebased exhibition, he brought the iconic exhibition to the Patricia &Phillip Frost Art Museum in Miami during Art Basel 2021. He alsocollaborated closely with architect Zaha Hadid's partners on theopening of Hadid's first solo exhibition (China) and a simultaneouscelebration, held in Hadid's first and last residential property inNew York City, He is a writer and contributor for several prominentpublications.


David Hockney: Paper Trails

艺仓美术馆 Modern Art Museum Shanghai 上海


Robyn Ward: Walking in the Dark

艺仓美术馆 Modern Art Museum Shanghai 上海