
Robyn Ward: Walking in the Dark

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

罗宾·沃德 Robyn Ward

策展人 Curator:

夏·贝特尔 Shai Baitel

地点 Venue:

艺仓美术馆 Modern Art Museum Shanghai

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

⇨新闻稿 Press Release

展览介绍 Introduction:





Walking in the Dark features a series of newest painted canvases by Robyn Ward. Within the immersive atmosphere, these works speak to Ward’s nomadic lifestyle. Through his abstract visual language, Robyn tries to address the themes of migration and traumas - both national and personal - by asking the question of: why do people roam? What is the aftermath of perpetual movement? Like the abstracted nature of Ward’s artworks, a nomadic sensibility often abstracts the deeper reasons for such roaming. His work begets questions around what exactly Ward is veiling through his travels. Like the act of walking in the dark, viewing Ward’s work requires one’s eyes to adjust to see what would otherwise not be detected.

Using wet, loose brush strokes with distinctive markings on the oversized canvases, he tells his story through a nostalgic veil of innocence and naivety, revealing snapshots of the past while simultaneously obscuring or hiding others, with each layer depicting different fragments of time that are indeed screen-shots of the artist’s life. There is an abundance of hidden psychological, political, and emotional meaning to be discovered in Walking in the Dark, exemplified by the labyrinthine and shaded design of the space where the artworks are being shown.

The exhibition narrates a story that reflects the artist’s personal experience with chaos, migration, and violence, echoing the complicated social environment at present, and referencing to both historical and modern-day global disputes. While engaging with themes of destruction and conflict, Ward’s work addresses his own life, defined by a perpetual sense of movement and a constant feeling of geographical restlessness.

To embark on Ward’s art journey and see the subtlety of this ubiquitous psychological tension manifested in his work requires an openness to experiencing catharsis this impactful—of seeing one’s life in all its tensions and contradictions reflected through the artist’s creation.