付晓东 Fu Xiaodong

Photo: Courtesy of Space Station

现居北京和杭州,策展人、艺术家、空间站创始人,中国美术学院外聘教授。曾担任《美术文献》杂志执行主编,CYAP中国青年艺术扶植推广计划艺术总监,梯级艺术中心艺术总监,台湾《当代艺术新闻》责编,鲁迅美术学院校刊《美苑》责编。2010年澳大利亚24HR ART访问策展人。2014法国蓬皮杜艺术中心梅兹分馆洛林基金会访问策展人。在法国Photo levallois、皮埃尔于贝尔新媒体创作奖、韩国“亚洲青年艺术奖”、加拿大多伦多CONTECT影像节等国内外15个奖项中担任过评委,UCCA艺术商店学术委员、中国批评家年会委员。



Currently lives in Beijing, curator, artist, founder of Space Station, appointed teacher of China Academy of Art. She has been the executive editor of Fine Art Literature magazine, the artistic director of CYAP China Youth Art Promotion Program, the artistic director of Ladder Art Center, the editor-in-chief of Contemporary Art News in Taiwan, and the editor of Beauty Garden magazine of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts. She has been a visiting curator of 24HR ART in Australia, 2010, and a visiting curator of Fondation Lorraine, Pompidou Metz, France, 2014. She has 15 times served as a jury member of Photo levallois in France,Pierre Huber New Media Creation Award, Asian Youth Art Award in Korea, and CONTECT Video Festival in Toronto. She is an academic member of UCCA Art Store and a member of the annual meeting of Chinese critics.

She has curated more than 130 contemporary art exhibitions for art museums and art centers at home and abroad, including group exhibitions Figure of Speech: Becoming: Nature, Technology and Human Production (The 5th Hubei Art Documentary Exhibition), Archetypal Research (The 8th Shenzhen International Ink and Wash Biennale),The 3rd Hubei Art Documentary Exhibition, The 3rd Nanjing International Art Exhibition, The 5th Chengdu Biennial Art Exhibition,Sharingism (Get it Louder, 2010), Nostalgia: Memory and Fictional Reality, Broken Tongue: Contemporary Art Texts in Post-Centralized Society, and the Post-traditional series. The 14th and 16th OPEN Performance Art Festivals.She has curated several thematic exhibitions for University of Toronto Art Museum, Suzhou Museum, Beijing Painting Academy Art Museum, He Xiangning Art Museum, Guan Shangyue Art Museum, Today Art Museum, Ullens Art Center, a4 Art Museum, Jinji Lake Art Museum, Klein Sun Gallery, Bizart Art Center, Fine Arts Document Art Center, ShanghART Gallery, Tang Gallery, Blank Space, Platform China, Osage Gallery, Soka Gallery, and Space Station. From 2012 to 2018, she hosted The Eighth Day: Artist Visiting Scientist Lab Project with Guokr.com.

She has lectured at Columbia University, Hunter College of Art in the United States, Centre Pompidou, University of Metz and Strasbourg Academy of Art in France, University of Toronto and Queen’s University in Canada, Goethe-Institut in Germany, Peking University, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, UCCA Art Center, Today Art Museum, Central Academy of Fine Arts, etc. She has also lectured at China Academy of Art, Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, and Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts.


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