拉瑞斯·弗洛乔 Larys Frogier

Photo: Courtesy of Song Art Museum



他曾担任法国雷恩市La Criée当代艺术中心总监,策划过长期的研讨会、驻地、展览与出版物项目,不断挑战广泛的全球地域之间的联结与断裂。作为2013年首届HUGO BOSS亚洲新锐艺术家大奖的评委会主席,他将该项目构想为一个全新的奖项、一场展览与一系列研究项目,作为一个持续演变的平台,推广新锐艺术家,将亚洲作为一个持续的构建和亟待调研的问题而非一个单一的地区和固定的身份。


The former Director of the Rockbund Art Museum (RAM) in Shanghai. Since 2023, Larys Frogier is the scientific and artistic director for the long term research program "Becoming Worlds" lead by the Culture Europe Agency/Relais Culture Europe (Paris), in the framework of the Horizon Europe Program initiated by the European Commission (Brussels). As a curator, critic and art historian, he is involved in artistic and social challenges in post-global contexts where ongoing social, economical, cultural transformations demand new ways of interrelations, citizenship and reinvented creativity.

He has curated numerous exhibitions and published extensive essays on the works of international artists: Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Nan Goldin, Paola Pivi, UgoRondinone, Wang Du, Yang Jiechang.

Previously the Director of the contemporary art centre La Criée in Rennes (France), he curated long-term projects (symposiums, residencies, exhibitions, publications), which question the links and ruptures between broadening transcontinental areas. Chair of the HUGO BOSS ASIA ART jury since 2013 at the Rockbund Art Museum, he is conceiving this new award, exhibition and research program as an evolving platform to promote emerging artists and to question Asia as a construction to investigate rather than a monolithic area or fixed identities.

He taught art theory, history of art, and curatorial studies at the University of Rennes, while he was also a researcher at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and at the Archives for Art Criticism.


Wang Xiyao: Touching The Invisible

松美术馆 Song Art Museum 北京