莫妮卡·德玛黛 Monica Dematté

Photo: Courtesy of Gallery MC

1962年10月7日出生于意大利特伦托城(Trento)。在特伦托 G.Prati 高中文科部毕业后, 在博罗尼亚(Bologna) 大学艺术、音乐及戏剧学院(D.A.M.S)以满分成绩获得艺术史学士学位,并取得意大利高等艺术教师资格。1986年来到中国,1988-1989 年在广州美术学院研究中国艺术史和艺术评论。在热那亚大学获得博士学位,论文题目为《1989 年至 1994 年间的中国当代艺术》。1990年、1991 年、1992年制作三部以中国当代艺术为题的纪录片。1996-1997年期间,任新加坡美术馆策展人。曾于博罗尼亚大学东方语言系和威尼斯大学东方艺术系教授中国文化与艺术。1999年和2001 年两次参与威尼斯双年展的工作,并为展览画册撰写系列评论文章。自1994年起独立策划中国以及国外艺术家的展览。

Born on October 7, 1962 in Trento, Italy. After graduating from the liberal arts department of G.Prati High School in Trento, she obtained a bachelor's degree in art history with full marks from the School of Art, Music and Theater (D.A.M.S.) of the University of Bologna, and obtained the Italian higher art teacher qualification. She came to China in 1986 and studied Chinese art history and art criticism at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts from 1988 to 1989. Obtained a PhD from the University of Genoa with a thesis titled "Chinese Contemporary Art from 1989 to 1994". In 1990, 1991 and 1992, three documentaries were produced on the theme of Chinese contemporary art. From 1996 to 1997, she served as curator of the Singapore Art Museum. She once taught Chinese culture and art at the Department of Oriental Languages at the University of Bologna and the Department of Oriental Art at the University of Venice. She participated in the work of the Venice Biennale twice in 1999 and 2001, and wrote a series of commentaries for the exhibition catalogue. Since 1994, she has independently curated exhibitions of Chinese and foreign artists.


Guo Bingxin: Last Year My Life

美成空间 Gallery MC 深圳


Zhu Bing: Blurred

美成空间 Gallery MC 深圳