李嘉文 Li Jiawen

Photo: Courtesy of Power Station of Art

1994年生于广州。策展人、研究者,现居于广州和悉尼。曾在京都大学学习,2020年毕业于悉尼大学博物馆和遗产研究专业,现就读于新南威尔士大学策展和文化领导力专业。曾就任于悉尼大学周泽荣博物馆、独立展览策划小组Xⁿ Office,并作为策展助理参与了2023年山中天艺术中心的展览“夜晚是地球的影子”。她的个人研究方向植根于后殖民主义和女性主义理论。

Born in Guangzhou in 1994. Curator and researcher, currently living in Guangzhou and Sydney. Studied at Kyoto University, graduated from the Museum and Heritage Studies major at the University of Sydney in 2020, and is now studying Curatorial and Cultural Leadership at the University of New South Wales. She has worked at the Zhou Chak Wing Museum of the University of Sydney and the independent exhibition planning group Xⁿ Office, and participated as a curatorial assistant in the 2023 exhibition "Night is the Shadow of the Earth" at the Shan Zhongtian Art Center. Her personal research interests are rooted in postcolonial and feminist theory.


Pidgin Spectrum: Nonlinear Narratives of Multiculture

思南时区画廊 Sinan Time Zone 上海