刘艾真 Jen Liu ( b.1976 )

Photo: Courtesy of Blindspot Gallery

1976 年出生于美国纽约,她的作品通过录像、绘画、雕塑、生物材料和舞蹈表演等媒介,关注亚裔离散人群的身份认同、后殖民经济、推想女性主义、档案文物再利用等主题。基于其对现存社会经济状况的研究,刘艾真编排虚构的叙事,对过去及现今具有争议性的事件进行新的诠释。自 2016 至 2023 年,刘艾真专注于创作多面向项目《粉红肉渣的凯萨密码》(Pink Slime Caesar Shift),提出透过生物加密创造新的交流与信息传输工具的设想。在她近期的作品中,刘艾真探讨了科技进步对劳工和环境的影响。

刘艾真的个展曾于三藩市/(Slash)(2024)、纽约康奈尔大学科技校区(2022)、哥本哈根ARIEL - Feminisms in the Aesthetics(2020)、茂物动物学博物馆(2017)、洛杉矶 LAXART(2016)、柏林 SomoSKunsthaus(2016)及纽约惠特尼博物馆(2015)展出。她的作品也曾于纽约雕塑中心(2024)、第 13 届台北双年展(2023)(委托制作作品《海底之地》(2023))、北京今日美术馆(2023)、上海当代艺术博物馆(2021)、洛杉矶 MAK Centerfor Art + Architecture in collaboration with LACMA(2020)、华盛顿 Smithsonian Museum of American Art(2020)、光州国立亚洲文化殿堂(2019)、纽约现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)(2019)、鹿特丹艺术厅(2019)、广东时代美术馆(2019)、新加坡双年展(2019)、纽约 New Museum(2015)和上海双年展(2015)、伦敦皇家艺术学院(2004)等地的群展和双年展中展出。

刘艾真曾获 Hewlett 50 艺术委托创作基金、Creative Capital 奖、2018 LACMA Art + Tech Lab 奖金、古根海姆奖学金(电影/影像)、康奈尔大学科技校区\Art Award、纽约州艺术委员会/纽约艺术基金会数字艺术奖学金、Pollock-Krasner 奖金等奖项。 2024 年,她曾于美国亚洲艺术文献库进行艺术家驻留,为作品《我是云端》进行调查研究;另于 2016 年在香港 ParaSite 艺术空间进行艺术家驻留。


Born in 1976 in New York, USA. Her works with video, painting, sculpture, biomaterial, and dance performance to speak to issues of diasporic Asian identities, postcolonial economies, speculative feminism, and the remotivating of archival artifacts. Based on her research on existing socioeconomic conditions, Liu creates fabulated narratives which reinterpret contested accounts of the past and present. From 2016 to 2023, Liu worked on Pink Slime Caesar Shift, a multifaceted project that proposes new tools for communication through biological encryption. In recent works, Liu explores the impact of technological advancements on labor and the environment.

Liu’s solo exhibitions and presentations were held at / (Slash) (San Francisco, 2024), Cornell Tech (New York, 2022), ARIEL Platform for Feminist Art (Copenhagen, 2020), Bogor Zoology Museum (Borgor, 2017), LAXART (Los Angeles, 2016), SomoS Kunsthaus (Berlin, 2016), and the Whitney Museum (New York, 2015). Her works have also been exhibited at SculptureCenter (New York, 2024), 13th Taipei Biennial (Taipei, 2023), which commissioned her film The Land at the Bottom of the Sea (2023), Today Art Museum’s Future of Today Biennial (Beijing, 2023), Power Station of Art (Shanghai, 2021), MAK Center for Art + Architecture in collaboration with LACMA (Los Angeles, 2021), Smithsonian Museum of American Art (Washington D.C., 2020), ACC (Gwangju, 2019), MoMA (New York, 2019), Kunsthal Rotterdam (Rotterdam, 2019), Times Museum (Guangdong, 2019) , Singapore Biennial (Singapore, 2019), New Museum (New York, 2015), Shanghai Biennial (Shanghai, 2015), Royal Academy of Arts (London, 2008), Kunsthaus Zurich (Zurich, 2008), and Institute of Contemporay Art (London, 2004), among others.

Liu is recipient of the Hewlett 50 Arts Commission, Creative Capital Grant, LACMA Art + Technology Lab, Guggenheim Fellowship in Film/Video, the Cornell Tech \Art Award, the NYSCA/NYFA Fellowship in Digital/Electronic Art, and the Pollock-Krasner Award. She was artist-in-residence at Asia Art Archive in America in 2024 where she conducted research for I Am Cloud, and at Para Site Hong Kong in 2016, among others.

Liu currently lives and works in New York, USA.


Jen Liu: I Am Cloud

刺点画廊 Blindspot Gallery 香港