莎拉·休斯 Shara Hughes ( b.1981 )

Photo: Courtesy of Pilar Corrias

1981 年出生于佐治亚州亚特兰大。现居住和工作于纽约布鲁克林。


Born 1981 in Atlanta, Georgia. Lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.

Shara Hughes earned a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design and later attended the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture. She describes her lush, vibrantly chromatic images of hills, rivers, trees and shorelines, often framed by abstract patterning, as ‘invented landscapes’. Full of gestural effect, surface tactility and possessing a fairytale mood of reverie, these paintings, as the New Yorker described them, ‘use every trick in the book to seduce, but still manage to come off as guileless visions of not-so-far-away worlds’. Bold, clashing colours and shifting perspectives manifest into dream-like landscapes that push and pull the eye across the canvas, challenging conventions of space. Rather than depicting true to life landscapes, Hughes invites us into a fantastical world offered as a portal for psychological discovery and reflection.


El Otro, El Mismo

Longlati经纬艺术中心 Longlati Foundation 上海