张雅琴 Chang Ya Chin ( b.1985 )

Photo: Courtesy of Artist Studio


她的艺术作品或复杂或简单,试图通过奇思妙想和一点怀旧之情来伸出一只无形的共情之手。在她的油画中,通过现代物品与 19 世纪绘画技巧和美学的对比,她探索了我们共同的人类体验的各个方面,希望发现想象的时刻,或许是现实中的魔力。 

Born in Hong Kong in 1985, lives and works in her hometown Hong Kong. Trained in the academic tradition at ateliers in Florence, Paris and New York City. Ya Chin is inspired by everyday objects, moments and the mash of cultures around her. 

Her art can be intricate or simple and attempts to lend an invisible hand of empathy through whimsy and a little nostalgia. In her oil paintings, through the contrast of modern day objects and 19th century painting technique and aesthetic, she explores facets of our shared human experience, hoping to discover moments of imagination, and perhaps, magic within reality. 

首尔弗里兹艺博会 2024|马凌画廊

Frieze Seoul 2024|Kiang Malingue

韩国综合贸易中心 COEX 首尔