敬美 Kyung-Me ( b.1991 )

Photo: Courtesy of Kiang Malingue


Born in 1991 in the United States, currently lives and works in New York, since 2015, she has explored the architectural structures of the subconscious and the ways in which images, objects and memory are intertwined to conjure complex and spiritual spaces. Working predominantly in ink, Kyung-Me creates drawings of labyrinthine spaces that trace the alluring and malevolent nature of entrapment frameworks. The invisible architecture of entrapment—from the familial and societal to the spiritual and psychological—piques her interest.

首尔弗里兹艺博会 2024|马凌画廊

Frieze Seoul 2024|Kiang Malingue

韩国综合贸易中心 COEX 首尔