刘茵 Liu Yin ( b.1984 )

Photo: Courtesy of Kiang Malingue


Born in Guangzhou in 1984, lives and works in Hong Kong. After receiving her master degree from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, in more than a decade’s time she has developed a subversive artistic language that makes classic shōjo manga faces — adorned with exaggerated, shiny eyes — on widely circulated contemporary images; public figures from the academic, scientific and political worlds; and pop culture characters or inanimate beings. At once concealing their initial expressions and revealing deeply hidden characters — a true self that is arguably feminine or innocent — Liu reconstructs the emotions, feelings and narrative structures manifest in complex events.

首尔弗里兹艺博会 2024|马凌画廊

Frieze Seoul 2024|Kiang Malingue

韩国综合贸易中心 COEX 首尔