杨学德 Yeung Hok Tak ( b.1970 )

Photo: Courtesy of Kiang Malingue


Born in Hong Kong in 1970, Since the 2000s, he has been prolifically depicting people and scenes unique to the land of Hong Kong in rich, at times psychedelic colours, exploring in depth the complicated relationship between nostalgia, memory and social change by making delicate or rough marks on paper and canvas. Over the years, Yeung has developed a singular aesthetic, upon which the artist further forms in recent time an urgent, critical painting practice that is deeply concerned with the social and political of the region. Yeung rediscovers fragments of memory buried deep in the collective consciousness, juxtaposing historical and contemporary subjects in romantic and surreal ways, to question the meaningfulness and legitimacy of historical developments and social progress.

首尔弗里兹艺博会 2024|马凌画廊

Frieze Seoul 2024|Kiang Malingue

韩国综合贸易中心 COEX 首尔