志韦 Wei Zhi ( b.1997 )

Photo: Courtesy of Artist Studio



Born in Beijing in 1997. She graduated from Ruskin School of Art, University of Oxford in 2019 and currently works and lives in Shanghai.

The legacy of childhood permeates Zhi Wei's work.The artist's weaves through their works-mainly layering textile and painting-the symbology of this formative period, one tainted by the at once banal and intensely real trauma of learning, growing up, assimilating from the possibility of early childhood into convention, more normative social frameworks.It is, however, also a period of play, and the imagination, the work might lead us to believe, can conjure up something that escapes convention, that skirts what might otherwise be possible. Zhi wei reworks the fabrics of their family's business, the familiar plaid patterns that coloured their early life-which is a type of pattern that is also gendered, normative-into their characters. Ass such, they become new models for living, substitutes for the artist that can themselves be nurtured and go on to live their own lives.


El Otro, El Mismo

Longlati经纬艺术中心 Longlati Foundation 上海


Supercrowds / Supercommunity

上海油罐艺术中心 Tank Shanghai 上海