
Supercrowds / Supercommunity

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

陈若璠 Chen Ruofan Chen董孝驰 Dong Xiaochi杜京泽 Du Jingze方媛 Fang Yuan郭雅格 Guo Yage Guo韩新宇 Han Xinyu Han赖雨杉 Nina Yushan Lai李倩羽 Li Qianyu刘嘉怡 Kayi Lau马若骢 Ma Ruocong马天天 Ma Tiantian钱倩 Qian Qian孙萌 Sun Meng孙玛侬 Sun Manon陶斯祺 Tao Siqi宛超前 Wan Chaoqian王凯凡 Wang Kaifan王雪冰 Kiki Xuebing Wang王茜瑶 Wang Xiyao邢灏 Xing Hao熊浩棋 Xiong Haoqi许阳 Xu Yang徐梓淳 Xu Zichun闫欣悦 Yan Xinyue张皓言 Zhang Haoyan张敬琟 Sophie Jingwei Zhang张珂 Zhang Ke张凌瑞 Zhang Lingrui志韦 Zhi Wei钟天悦 Zhong Tianyue

策展人 Curator:

陈鋆尧 Chen Junyao

出品方 Producer:

乔空间 Qiao Space上海油罐艺术中心 Tank Shanghai

地点 Venue:

上海油罐艺术中心 Tank Shanghai

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

⇨新闻稿 Press Release

前言 Introduction:

本次群展提出的概念“跨级社区”,除了指代一种全新的、极具时代特色的聚集模式(Togetherness)外,更指向对一种特定共情模式的隐喻,且囊括了同一个问题的两个方面。 展览分别呈现“拥挤的人群”和“超级社群”两个部分。“拥挤的人群”提出了群体集结的新动机:年轻一代在多元文化视角下,难以建立背景单一且具体的身份认同,更多地通过相似文化经验找到情感共鸣,从而强调“个体间的共同性和联系”。“超级社群”在全球化与逆全球化互动、打破并重组了现有叙事的过程中出现,将文化身份从地理边界中解脱出来。


The concept of “SUPERCROWDS/SUPERCOMMUNITY” proposed by the exhibition not only refers to a new, era-specific mode of gathering (Togetherness) but also serves as a metaphor for a particular mode of empathy, encompassing two aspects of the same issue. The exhibition is divided into two parts: “SUPERCROWDS” and “SUPERCOMMUNITY.”

“SUPERCROWDS” addresses the new motivations for group gatherings: the younger generation, with their multicultural perspectives, find it challenging to establish a single, specific identity. Instead, they find emotional resonance through similar cultural experiences, emphasizing the “commonality and connection among individuals.” “SUPERCOMMUNITY,” emerging from the interactions of globalization and anti-globalization, breaks and restructures existing narratives, detaching cultural identity from geographical boundaries.

By combining “SUPERCROWDS” and “SUPERCOMMUNITY,” the exhibition proposes the concept of "cross-boundary community," aiming to provide individuals within a vast contextual background with a non-linear coordinate system more applicable to the current era. In this coordinate system, traditional influencing factors such as geographic boundaries, race, gender, and cultural background are excluded from the foundational elements of its construction. Each individual is regarded as a coordinate, connected through analogous cultural experiences and shared values, offering viewers positioning references and prospective outlooks.

Through their works, artists will reflect on and respond to these states, leading to the expectation that within the context of “SUPERCROWDS/SUPERCOMMUNITY,” the status quo faced by any individual will not be an exception. In the loose but solid unrestricted connections, it is possible to find an intimate place where identity and recognition can be repeatedly determined, and where emotional support and feedback are simultaneously provided.