王雪冰 Kiki Xuebing Wang ( b.1993 )

Photo: Courtesy of Tank Shanghai


因对日常平凡的,或商业、或自然的视觉纹样,及其对应的文化语言 修辞深深着迷,王雪冰的创作试图探索一种神秘的直觉,它使视觉拥有了情感。这种感受与客观之间的粘连,也呈现在她光影婆娑与颗粒沙哑的色彩之中,这一效果好似捕捉刚刚逃离物体表面散漫 的反射光。艺术家描绘的不仅是光线与物体内在颜色之间的模糊地带,也是愈发饱和的拟像世界之现实。随着情绪与记忆昼伏夜出,王雪冰迷宫似的画面呈现的多层次平面试图探寻个人经验的强度,而不同边界所营造的迷离的远近关系更是重审着二维画面的可能性。

Born in 1993, Zhengzhou, China. She obtained her BFA from University of California, Los Angeles, in 2016 and her MA degree from the Royal College of Art in 2020. She currently lives and works in London. 

Fascinated with common visual patterns, both commercial and natural ones, and reflecting upon their role as cultural rhetorics, Wang's practice delves into our mysterious instincts that charge the visual with emotions. The clinging relationship between feelings and objects is further addressed in her prismatic and grainy color which captures the reflected light radiating and escaping from the surface. What she depicts is both a twilight zone between light and the intrinsic color of objects and a saturating presence of the simulacrum world.As the intensity of emotions; and memories fluctuates, Wang's often labyrinthic canvas creates a multi-layered surface that not only probes herexperiences but also disrupts the sense of distance between different boundaries, tellingly reexamining the two-dimensionality of paintings.


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上海油罐艺术中心 Tank Shanghai 上海