苏河皓司 Suhe Haus

苏河皓司以艺术的纯粹价值做为驱动力为全球知名的艺术机构、画廊、品牌和创意人士合共同打造一个跨学科、跨领域、具有前瞻性视野的创意平台。以开放创新的初衷,包容协作的社区构建方式,着力成为展示、学习、交流和收藏的文化目的地,包括举办“苏河艺术季”、“写作in HAUS”等艺术社群项目。

苏河皓司位于文安路30号,原中国实业银行仓库,上海市优秀历史建筑。在苏州河沿岸的银行金融仓库建筑群中较具代表性,承载着上海金融业的百年记忆。1931年,由著名的通和洋行设计建造,立面保存较完整,典型的装饰艺术Art Deco风格建筑。大楼坐北朝南,总建筑面积约8,000平方米,一共5层,局部7层。


Suhe Haus serves as an art and creative hub, fostering a borderless, interdisciplinary, and forward-thinking platform for global art institutions, galleries, and creatives. With a commitment to the highest curatorial and educational standards, Suhe Haus aspires to create a collaborative community dedicated to exhibition, education, and cultural exchange, including artistic community programs such as “ART IN SUHE HAUS”, “Writing in HAUS” etc.

Occupying the former warehouse of China Industrial Bank, Suhe Haus is located at 30 Wen'an Road, a renowned historic landmark in Shanghai, This building stands as one of the most representative architectures along the Suzhou Creek, built on the remnants of Shanghai's industrial waterfront, paying homage to the site that captured the city’s century- long financial prosperity. Designed and built by the famous Atkinson & Dallas in 1931, the facade of the building has been well- preserved and exemplifies the typical Art Deco style. The structure comprises five and partially seven floors, with a total construction area of 8,000 square meters.



30 Wen'an Road, Suzhou Creek, Jing'an District, Shanghai


Jing Ao: Theory of Emotion

苏河皓司 Suhe Haus 上海