
Wei Minghui: The Crack Will Show Up On Time

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

卫明辉 Wei Minghui

策展人 Curator:

渣克周 Zachariah Zhou

地点 Venue:

局外人画廊 Outsider Gallery

⇨现场图集 Scene View

⇨展品清单 Works List

前言 Introduction:




Everyone is facing the unprecedented challenge of wrestling with routine and convention. The convexity of the water glass magnifies the blindness to the trivial, growing into something forbidden in our consciousness. What is desperately needed to be destroyed is the inertia, and what is to be inspired is the search for a new paradigm. This contradiction is not limited to the phenomenal level; the artist aspires to achieve a metaphysical reconciliation that goes beyond the confrontation of material appearances. More figuratively speaking, it is a catalyst for an awakening, a concern for the frivolous.

What we are about to face is a typically postmodern realm, extended in a topological manner. There are no more straightforward, primordial bounded symbols; all that remains are indirect discourses, planes of inconsistency, and unformed matter.

There is no need to add more models, the fact is that one can only step into the same river several times.