
Wang Liwei: Ezekiel 37:3

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

王立伟 Wang Liwei

策展人 Curator:

黑匣子 Black Box

地点 Venue:

玉兰堂 Line Gallery(北京)

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前言 Preface:


王立伟的皮革雕塑,正如萨特之于笔下主人公安东纳·洛根丁,经由皮革而引发了,关于生命于存在哲学上的危机和思考。萨特将超越“存在”的希望寄托于“non-存在”,并加缪在其基础上更投身一跃于“虚无”,而当代哲学家阿尔文·普兰丁格则指明,人在本能上的神圣感应(Sensus Divinitatis),映射了有一“真存在”,赋予我们生命“真意义”。



In American writer Chuck Palahniuk’s novel, there is a sentence: "That mountain of dead animals and ancestors on which you stand. Every breath you take is because something has died." This portrays a transitional relationship between death and life, with us merely being an intermediate link. It implies the meaningless existence of life, which is detached and sporadical in the vast expanse of time.

Wang Liwei's leather sculptures, much like Jean-Paul Sartre's protagonist Antoine Roquentin in his writings, evoke a crisis and contemplation of the philosophy of life and existence. Sartre placed the hope of transcending “being” in the realm of “nothingness,” and Albert Camus took a leap further into "absurdism" based on that notion. However, contemporary philosopher Alvin Plantinga pointed out that humans have a sense of divinity (Sensus Divinitatis), reflecting the existence of a "BEING" that grants us the "MEANING" in life.

The reality of life presents us with an unavoidable question about presence, which has been a recurring theme in Wang Liwei's artistic exploration. Some people live towards death, while others are dying to survive, or continually oscillate between life and death. The artist places himself in the elevated realm of life and delves into the meaning of human existence by intertwining leather and bones. It presents a bitter taste but also a glimmer of hope, much like the artist subconsciously draws inspiration from the sculptural figures on the reliefs in medieval European churches, to depict the suffering in a sacred domain.

The unfolding bone wings point towards the transformation and transcendence of death. They serve as a reminder of not merely being perceived as a philosophical trick, as their presence cautions us against underestimating them with our cunning minds. Here comes the land of silence in pure white, where everything belongs to Man recedes, except those faint whispers passing over and resurrecting the dried bones deep within Souls, echoing the dialogue enchanted in Ezekiel 37:3.