马特·霍普:Audio curiosity

Matt Hope: Audio curiosity

展期 Period:


艺术家 Artist:

马特·霍普 Matt Hope

地点 Venue:

拟像画廊 Simulacra Gallery

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新闻稿 Press Release:

SIMULACRA 拟像将于2023年10月21日带来马特·霍普(Matt Hope)个展「Audio Curiosity」。在本次展览中,艺术家延续成熟的装置实践经验,并首次尝试图像语言,将呈现一系列声音与光学装置及绘画作品, 形成独特的声音景观。马特·霍普的创作过程不仅仅局限于概念的结果收割,而是在制作的全过程中将多元领域,包括声学、动力学、光学、机械工程、及交互式的运用相结合,完成个人对环境和生命感悟的还原,最终的作品只作为载体, 承载对未知无形的好奇与探索。


Matt Hope将自己的工作室铸成不可能的工坊,时间在制作的分秒和季节轮换之间融于电光火石的振荡。在实践中,他捕捉无形的声浪和瞬息万变的光谱,使其视觉中的质料归还于不可言说的觉知或随机性。生活经验与纯粹的生产在Matt的世界里是相融的。由于作品不再只是艺术家劳动的结果,而是无中生有,经过神经的感知、量尺的测算以及机械的轰鸣,因此过程则成为了印记的载体,最终形成类似于“滤波”的动作,即对处理信息的过程或采样的隐喻:选择性地放大或是缩小某种事实或情感。


SIMULACRA is pleased to present「Audio Curiosity」, a solo show by English artist Matt Hope, on October 21st. In this exhibition, the artist continues his mature installation practice and experiments with the language of image practice, presenting a series of sound and optical installations and spray paintings as a unique soundscape at the gallery. Matt Hope's practice is not only limited to the harvesting of conceptual results but also combines multiple disciplines in the production process, including acoustics, dynamics, optics, mechanical engineering, and the use of interactivity, to complete a personal perception of the environment and life and the final presentation of the works. The final presentation functions as a vehicle for curiosity and exploration of the intangible and the unknown.

The reverb that swirls between the walls breaks up the poured concrete, smoothing out the scale of the space; memories and imagination engage in the stretching of sound, delaying the envelope of time.

Matt Hope casts his 'impossible' studio, where time melts into a sparking oscillation between the minutes of production and the seasonal rotation. In his practice, he captures invisible waves of sound and transient spectra, relegating the texture of his vision to ineffable perceptions or randomness. Lived experience and pure production converge in Matt's world. As the work is no longer just the result of the artist's labor but is produced from nothing, perceived by the nerves, calculated by measurement, and rattled by the machinery, the process becomes a vehicle for imprinting and ultimately an action similar to 'filtering', a metaphor for the process of processing or sampling of information: selectively zooming in or out on a fact or a certain emotion. 

Those who are fascinated by magic are often the least likely to believe in mystery, curious to see how the visible can be transformed into the virtual and vice versa.